#nikki does fluff friday


sorry for not posting a lot of fluff fridays today… got caught up in some work stuff. but i promise any requests submitted today will be answered next friday! hope you have a lovely weekend and a happy halloween

personal/blog update!

hi, loves! hope you’re all having a wonderful friday.

i just wanted to address the fact that i’ve been kind of absent lately.

i really apologize for the fact that i promised fluff friday last week and then bailed… aaand i’m bailing again this week.

work is really hectic right now for me, and i’m going thru some stuff health-wise as well. i know- blah, blah, blah, excuses, excuses… point is: i’m sorry that i promised stuff and then couldn’t deliver. that’s on me.

i’m going to take a short hiatus for a few weeks, just till work settles down. i should have more free time in the near future. in the mean time, i’ll try to catch up on fluff friday prompts so when i come back, they’ll all be posted.

again, i’m really really sorry.

feel free to submit prompts while i’m gone! and as always, i’m here if you want to DM me to chat about anything. i’m not going off the grid or anything.

thank you all for understanding and being so supportive! idk what i did to deserve all of you wonderful people

you guys came thru with the prompts today! there are a bunch i didn’t get to, but they’ll be posted next friday for sure. love you!!
