#nikki sixx motley crue


Suprising Sixx ➳ Nikki Sixx

a/n:this is a follow up to the foreshadowing of Ella and Nikki playing on stage together in Stealing the Show

summary: It has been one of Nikki’s lifelong dreams to have his little girl play alongside him for a show. At Download 2016, the members of Sixx:A.M. come together with the help of you to bring Ella out for the show, so she can surprise Nikki.

pairing: dad!Nikki Sixx x mom!Reader

warnings: none!

➳ || Nikki Sixx masterlist||main masterlist ||who I write for ||


JUNE 11, 2016

“And you’re positive Dad has no earthly idea I’m here?” Ella asked you on the phone, the sound of her Vans hitting the ground as she shuffled into the Donnington Park Circuit by bodyguards. 

You smiled, glancing over at your husband who was talking to James and DJ. 

“Nope… I can’t wait to see his face. Which songs are you playing with them?” You asked your daughter. 

Ella grinned to herself. 

This Is Gonna HurtandLife is Beautiful,” She smiled. “Dad will know about the last one after he sees me for the first song… I’ll see you guys soon,” The 22-year-old giggled. “Love you, Mom,” 

Your heart raced. “I love you all the more, Ella Rose,” You whispered and hung up. 

Nikki walked over to you and engulfed you in his arms. “Do you think our house is surviving Jude’s wrath while we’re in England?” He asked you, swaying you back and forth. Smiling, you peered back and leaned up to kiss Nikki.

“I’m sure he’s fine, Nik,” You sighed. “Are you excited about the show?”

Nikki nodded his head. “Yeah… Have you talked to Ella today by chance? I tried calling her a little bit ago, but she didn’t answer,”

You lifted your eyebrows. “Yeah, I spoke to her this morning… She and Amber were raiding the studio to try and get some work done,” You fibbed. 

Nikki nodded. He talked to Ella every day. Those two were joined at the hip and practically the same person, just different bodies. 

“I’ll try and call her after the show then,” He smiled and leaned down to grab you for another kiss. You saw from the corner of your eye James motioning to the side. Mouthing, “Ella”,he tilted his head as a means to say he was going to get your daughter. Nodding, you offered him a thumbs up. 

“Nikki, I’ll be right back, okay?” James called out before disappearing. DJ was hiding his smile, delighted for what was about to ensue in just thirty minutes when Ella appeared. You could still remember the Maximum Rock Tour when Nikki said to Tommy he hoped one day he and Ella could share the stage together. Then once Ella and Amber joined White Rabbit together, he continued to talk about it, but the dream seemed to slowly fizzle out once their schedules became drastically different. 

They jammed together at home but never had they shared a stage. 

Today, Nikki’s dream would come true. 

As the time passed, Nikki and you were walking toward the stage together and you saw James from the corner of your eye. Ella was beside him and DJ rushed over and quickly walked forward to help hide your daughter before Nikki could notice. 

When showtime came, you grabbed your husband’s face and gave him a tender kiss. 

“Good luck, baby. I love you,” You smiled, squeezing him. 

“I love you too, Angel,” He said and captured your mouth for one more kiss before he set forth for the stage. DJ gave you a thumbs-up as he smirked in Nikki’s direction. 

Soon, the boys were on stage, the crowd cheering. But as everything started, James cleared his throat as the familiar tune of This Is Gonna Hurtstarted. 

“Everybody, listen up,” He smiled. “We have a big surprise for our man, Nikki,” 

Nikki’s eyebrows furrowed. Ella nestled backstage, her bass in hand. She had even received pictures of Nikki’s outfit for Download and proceeded to replicate it in her own way. Ripped skinny jeans with red war paint smeared underneath her eyes, her dyed black hair teased with a bandana pushing it back. Her necklaces hung low, her tattoos exposed, and she was her father’s daughter. 

“What the hell are you guys doing?” Nikki looked between DJ and James. 

“We’ve heard it was Nikki’s dream for this to happen… So, we thought now is the day to bring his dream to life. Give a loud round of applause for Ms. Ella SIXX!” The lead singer belted, waving his hand around, motioning for the song to begin again. 

As it played, Nikki turned around to see Ella walking forward, playing her bass. The crowd erupted into a fierce array of screams as she came forward, her smile widening. Nikki was playing the tune with her, his jaw nearly hitting the stage. 

She laughed, staring at him. “Come on, Dad! Keep up!” She said over the music. As the song delved deep, James’ singing matched with DJ’s playing had the crown going crazy, meanwhile, all eyes mainly rested on Nikki and Ella. 

You watched as your husband’s face lit up with excitement, he and Ella taking the stage by storm. Both of them had such a daunting stage presence, that it was never easy to take your eyes off them. Their movements captivated the audience. Just like when Nikki was in his crazy antics and had a drink-off with Tommy in Tacoma and proceeded to roll around on stage, Ella somehow mimicked his wild behavior a few years ago during a White Rabbit concert.

The chorus evolved, Ella’s laughter obviously seen. She and Nikki were in sync and with double the bass, it meant a bigger sound. The crowd was driven wild by the father-daughter duo. You snapped a few pictures of them, your smile bright as you continued to stare at them.

During the guitar solo, that’s when you saw Ella and Nikki stand back-to-back. They leaned against each other, both aggressively playing their basses, their smiles wide. Ella even reached up and ruffled her fingers over Nikki’s hair before he shoved her back playfully. 

When the song came to an end, Nikki swung his bass around to his back before he grabbed Ella up for a hug. She laughed, hugging him back. The crowd screamed loudly as James and DJ shared a smile. 

“Give it up for Nikki’s daughter, Ella, everyone,” James clapped. “She’ll be back for the last song… Until then, let’s go,” He laughed. 

“I’ll be back,” Ella promised.

Nikki smiled and kissed Ella’s head, seeing as she disappeared backstage. She ran toward you and hugged you. “I think Dad was really surprised,” She admitted. 

You tossed your head back. “Sweetheart, you just made his entire year with that… Look at him, he can’t stop smiling,” You pointed. 

Ella grinned and wrapped her arm around you as a bottle of water was handed her way. As Sixx:A.M. played thorough the rest of their set, Ella prepared herself to go back out there. Once she was in the eye of the crowd again, everyone screamed. 

Ella and Nikki played through Life is Beautiful together, her angelic vocals were even added into the chorus. Nikki’s entire heart soared within his chest at the sight of his baby girl sharing the same explosion of passion for music as he did. He knew that you two raised her well. 

Another back-to-back performance was created, with Ella and Nikki completely in sync. Their playful personalities came through, neither of them able to cease laughing. Smiles widened, Nikki stared at his little girl as the song came to a close, his chest rising and falling. 

They each took their bow before he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her head. 

“You are the best kid ever,” He laughed. 

Ella grinned as they walked off stage together, their arms wrapped around one another. 

“You manifested it back in 2000, Dad. You wanted us to play together… Well, your wish has been granted,” She smiled.

Soon, you were pulling both your husband and daughter into your arms for a hug. James and DJ joined you shortly after. 

“You idiots did this?” Nikki looked at them with a smile.

“I think you were on the verge of tears when she came out, Nikki,” DJ laughed.

Ella smiled widely and reached out to hug her dad’s bandmates. 

“Thanks, guys,” She beamed. 

“Anytime, sweetheart,” James responded. 

You looked up at Nikki who wrapped his hand through yours. “I think you had something to do with it too, didn’t you? You told me she was with Amber,”

You scoffed. “I couldn’t tell you she was in England, too, babe! That would’ve ruined the surprise,” 

Ella grinned. “Yeah, Dad… Duhhh,”She winked as he pushed her jokingly. 

Nikki rolled his eyes but granted his daughter with another wide grin. 

It was the best surprise of his life, and a memory he would hold onto forever.











