#nikki tag




Sooo… I decided to backtrack a little to show a portion of how we got here. With some pointers from Zack Martin Specialist Extraordinaire @zenryverse I know that this one probably isn’t as accurate to the character. I’m still finding my voice as Zack, and hopefully he’s not very ooc, and if so, I plan to eventually be able to get him down pretty good. @bitchmilsky Just in case you want to go on this journey with us. 

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The fact that the tag didn’t even work on this,,,,, tumblr’s so biphobic against me specifically

this man has never been this stressed in his LIFE Like, the maybe three (? if that) times in their entire relationship where he ended up having a knockdown, drag-out fight with Henry didn’t leave him as stressed as this

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“But, the one thing I will say, is that I’m not sure Zack would realize right away about the dishes.”

OKAY SEE… I wanted to work on this a little bit more, then wound up thinking I was nitpicking and just posting!
Because, I was thinking that it didn’t just happen, like it had become a thing and he noticed it after a moment, but I also wasn’t totally sure and was like… “You know what? I’m gonna let him have a brain cell, because Charlotte been around Jasper, I’d say even more than Henry, and also Schwoz, so I think that to her, she just did it as her natural reaction and to him he’s like, "Now, I will let Cody clean up after me all day everyday, but I draw the line at Henry’s best friend!”

Zack. I gave you ONE, and you betrayed me. Lol.

This was literally the part that I was the most worried about seeming out of character. Shucks.


I am a dragon and my collection is Zenry AUs
