#nikko national park

Kegon Waterfall and Lake Chūzenji, Japan - This area is located in Nikkō National Park in the city o

Kegon Waterfall and Lake Chūzenji, Japan - This area is located in Nikkō National Park in the city of Nikkō. The waterfalls were formed during volcano activities hundrets of years ago. This picture is around 100 years old.

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Lake Chūzenji, Japan - The Lake Chūzenji is located in Nikkō National Park in the city of Nikkō in T

Lake Chūzenji, Japan - The Lake Chūzenji is located in Nikkō National Park in the city of Nikkō in Tochigi Prefecture. Around 20,000 years ago, the Mount Nantai erupted and blocked the river, becoming a lake. This picture is around 100 years old, and shows a traditional torii (gate) and monument in front of the lake.

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