

by nai @elemental-sorcerer

Card one-  XI -

Rep; Basic soul nature coming into this past life

Meaning; Intelligence,  self confidence, discipline and self-control can be more powerful than the Venom of a snake.

My interp; You were a very intelligent soul coming into this life. You were very well disciplines, and had a good amount of self confidence. You knew your way with words.

Card two- The five of chalices

Rep; The environment you grew up in.

Meaning;  I am Latona, the Roman goddess of Exile. First envied, then slandered and finally banished to this beach. I am far from everything and everyone but near the hopeful eyes of my children.

My Interp; Your environment wasn’t the best. You grew up on a beach with only your siblings and your mother. You didn’t have communication with anyone else.

Card three- The three of chalices

Rep; Your Childhood

Meaning;  Take a cup and dance with us. We are Thalia, Aglaea and Euphrosyne,  abundance, Splendor and joy. We are The Graces and we celebrate your success.

My interp; Your childhood was filled with splendor and joy. Anything you needed was given to you in abundance, and you never hungry or thirsty.

Card Four- XVII -  The Stars

Rep; Your education and how you fared.

Meaning;  we are the Pleiades,  the Seven Daughters of the firmament. We are the trust, hope, inspiration and Harmony that you look for in every star that shines brightly in the sky.

My interp; You had seven teachers over the course of your education. Each of them inspired something different in you- trust in yourself and others, hope for the future, immense inspiration and the tools to work in harmony with those around you.

Card Five- IX -  The hermit

Rep; Your accomplishments, whether you achieved your goals or not.

Meaning;   I am the queen of the night and ruler of Crossroads. I am hectic, the Greek goddess of mysteries. May the light of my torch help you find the answer you are looking for in the Darkness.

My interp; You faired pretty well in achieving your accomplishments. You were once down a very dark road, but someone’s light helped you out of it, and continued to help you achieve these goals.

Card Six- XIII -  Death

Rep; The occupation you held for the longest.

Meaning;  fear who I am and fear my name I am Kali, the black Indian lady of death and destruction. Prepare for sacrifice. One clean cut of my blade and everything changes.

My interp; I would say you determined the fate of those who did you wrong- a judge of sorts. Depending on your judgement, everything could change.

Card Seven- The king of swords

Rep; Your Social Status

Meaning;  I am Coatlicue,  the Aztec Lady of  snakes. Honor and respect my will and you will be my most beloved subject. Offend me and disobey and you will be my worst enemy.

My interp; You were very high on the social ladder- a ruler of a country. You ruled with respect and honour, but harshly punished those who offended and disobeyed you.

Card Eight-  VI -  The lovers

Rep; Your Relationships

Meaning;  pursue me among the waves, refresh yourself with my youth and play with my innocence. I am Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

My interp; You ha very passionate relationships with those you loved. You were often brought back to times of your youth, and found yourself letting things go while around those you cherished.

Card Nine-  XX - Judgement

Rep; Your family life

Meaning; Observe the water at the bottom of my cauldron. Judge yourself. Now observe the water at the surface. You will see the reflection of your purified soul.

My interp; You family life was that of judgement. However, you were taught to judge yourself before you judged others. Because of this, you didn’t fight often with your family. You all took time to reflect on your actions, and judged yourself and your actions.

Card Ten- The knight of wands

Rep; Death

Meaning;  I will travel for days and days, I will ride the rainbow and I will cross enchanted valleys to give you the message that is destined for you. I am Iris, the messenger of the Greek goddesses.

My interp; You passed while travelling to give someone a message. It was a long and hard travel, and you continue to try and seek out this person to give them the message that is destined for them.

Card Eleven- The three of pentacles

Rep; A lesson you learnt in this past life.

Meaning; We are the Esperides,  the Greek nymphs of the sunset. Our Enchanted Abode is the garden of the goddesses that we cultivate and protect as if it were our child.

My interp; You learned how to take care of things and people as if they were your own. You treat others like they are your own children, and you deeply care for them.

Card Twelve- The knave of chalices

Rep; Another lesson you learnt

Meaning: I am Hebe, the cupbearer of the Greek goddesses. I give you the cup that contains the nectar of eternal youth, innocence, and optimism.

My interp; You learned how to be an optimist, and that looking back on your childhood isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes we need to let yourself go and revisit times of youth and innocence.

Card Thirteen- The ten of chalices

Rep; How this past life could help you live the life you are living now.

Meaning;  My Embrace is like the heat of the hearth and the love of dear ones. In my arms you feel loved, peaceful and safe. I am Hestia, the Greek goddess of family and home.

My interp; This past life will help you in making others, not just yourself, feel loved, peaceful and safe. It will help you with your family life, and when moving into a new home.

Card Fourteen- XXI - The World

Rep; Another way this past life could help you live the life you are living now.

Meaning;  I shaped a splendid planet and created a life from the formless primadoral of chaos. Nothingness because success and achievement. I am Gaia, Greek goddess, creator of Mother Earth.

My interp; This past life is helping you succeed in the things that you do in this life. Although things may seem chaotic, this life will help you through those period and change nothingness into success.

past life regression guided by@justalittleb-witchy

their voice is soothing. it tells me that i am safe. i am safe. it tells me that i am calm. i am calm. it tells me to breathe. i breathe.

i am in an unfamiliar place, but i do not focus on my surroundings. i focus on my hands, my breath. the voice tells me to make a watch, a watch that will take my to the life i wish to see. it forms in my hands. i form it. or do i? either way, it solidifies, first the basic form, then the details, swirling as if carved out by an invisible paintbrush. it is reminiscent of a pocket watch with no chain. it is large, but small enough to fit in my two palms held together. there is a button on top of it. it is a gold, bronze color, with swirls and delicate designs like vines and leaves covering the watchface.

i press the button. it takes a moment for anything to happen. my body twists and disappears. for a moment, i see the watch, suspended in air on its own. then my vision goes into a swirling grey and i am somewhere else.

the scene around me slowly becomes clearer. i stand in a wooded area, though in this particular place the trees are spread a bit farther apart. it is not quite a clearing, but it is close to it. there are fallen leaves on the ground of bright red, orange, and yellow colors. there are people around, and something going on - i get the vague sense that there is some sort of village or bustling activity around me. none of this comes into focus, and i ignore it. i reach out my senses for any nearby beings, and i notice one ahead of me, slightly to the left. i approach him.

i ask him questions, and he confirms to me that i was a queen in this life. we did not seem to have a particularly personal connection, so i inquired as to where my handmaiden was. he pointed, behind me and to the right, so i turned. though she was farther away, i sensed her. i sensed her. i got the vague sense of some body of water behind her, some trees on either side, some people milling about - i ignored it all. i ran to her. she ran to me as well.

we met, and embraced. we shared whispered promises. after a moment of joyful reunion, we walked together towards the water. i asked her some questions. who was i? where did i come from? she answered me. i was her queen, their queen. i had been born as a creature under the sea, but somehow i had been transformed into a land fae. i asked how that was possible. she laughed, and told me, magic. i suppose that’s fair enough. she told me a wizard changed me.

i also asked if i had commanded ships. at first, she lied and told me no, but i saw through it. i asked her why she lied. she told me that i did command ships, but i did not want people to speak of it.

the voice returns, and i know my time with her is at its end. we embrace once more, and i promise to return with tears in my eyes. i take the watch in my hand and blink three times. again, my body twists away.

i do not know where i am, and that is okay. the most important thing to focus on was the wizard before me. i asked him if he was the one who turned me into who i was. he said yes. he told me his name, as well as mine and my handmaiden’s. i could not grasp our names, but after research i have discovered them. i asked if my companion was in this life. he told me yes, but he was not necessarily prevalent. i asked how long i had known my companion. he told me that i had been with them since we were children, and we had lived on the beach together after my transformation, when i was still very young. i asked how long i had lived, and he told me: hundreds of years. i asked him about my family, but the answer was unclear.

our time was coming to a close.

i said my goodbyes and took my watch in hand. i pressed the button to return to this life. i faded away.

my name was nimiane. my handmaiden was solenia. the wizard was isandar.
