#nine of wands reversed


From @ewokwrangler :

Hi there. My name is Em and I have a tarot ask, if you’d be happy to do that? Will the life I imagine for me be here soon? Thanks so much. Have a wonderful week! X

I’m going to modify the question to “How can I manifest the life I imagine sooner?” (ya boi doesn’t read the future, I read how to tackle the present and the future.)

The cards I pulled were Nine of Wands reversed, The Magician, and Judgement.


Nine of Wands reversed:

Take some risks! Go big or go home! You don’t need to wait for life to come to you. If you’re always waiting for the right moment, it will never come. You must make it for yourself. (Aaron Burr didn’t learn that lesson and resented Alexander Hamilton for it. Don’t be like Aaron Burr.) You don’t have to take risks without thinking them through first, just don’t overthink it and always talk yourself out of everything.

The Magician:

You are strong. You are powerful. You can do anything you put your mind to. Harness your energy. Your true potential awaits. Seriously, though. You have more in you than you think. There’s no need to be scared of your true potential. How does the saying go? “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” Do that. (Unless it’s wrong. Don’t go murdering people.)


With a little introspection, you’ll see you on the verge of greatness. Your time is whenever you are ready to make the changes you need to get that life you imagine. What have you learned? What else do you need to learn in order to move forward? Take note of your accomplishments. Carry them with you as reminders as you evaluate yourself. There is no need to be harsh, just open to change. 

My Takeaway:

You are scared and there’s no need to be. Although big changes can be very anxiety-inducing, pushing through and implementing change will lead to the life you imagine. You have a lively spirit within you, you just need to let it out. Don’t be scared of how it might be perceived or of messing up. You will mess up at some point, that’s human, but the lessons you will learn will be worth it. The greatest successes are overcoming your failures. Your time is now.


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