#no art post


Took the boys to a picnic and cat cafe date

Past my 10 days from the first Covid symptoms, still not feeling great, but I gotta go back to work tomorrow anyway. Ended up testing positive, got it from my brother, who got it from his work. Was awful, do not recommend even though I was triple vaxxed I got it much worse than anyone else I know that tested positive. Thankfully I didn’t experience any respiratory issues and was at no point needing hospitalization. But I walked to the pharmacy today and was out of breath just climbing the stairs to the second floor. Hope that’s not going to be a permanent thing, but who knows in this dystopian nightmare anymore?

So I’m recovering from possible Covid, I’ll find out when I can get tested later this week, so I’ve had some time to finally sit and play some interactive fiction for the first time in forever.

I just finished my first play through of Vampire the Masquerade: Parliament of Knives and it was fantastic! Totally recommend to anyone looking for vampire interactive fiction. The story and politicking was much better done than in Night Road, but didn’t have as much of a tabletop feel. I played a Ventrue, romanced Qui and ended up as the city’s seneschal at the end. I’m really looking forward to my next play through, though it’ll be hard not to smooch Qui again. Though it might be fun to romance him as a Toreador…

I didn’t mean to ignore my blog again! After finishing my move into the city I immediately picked up a full time job to save money and it’s been. A lot. I don’t mind the job too much, I’m working with animals again which is nice but it’s a lot physically and the commute really sucks, and a lot of days I just crash and sleep after getting home from work, and other than my brother I don’t get to see my friends or partner much thanks to the ongoing pandemic even after getting all our boosters.

But I’m drawing again finally! I had taken a long time to finish my last commission batch so I think I’m gonna wait a while before taking any more again and just do personal art for a bit. I’ll be posting some of what I’ve worked on soon.
