#no context quotes


So…I know I said I’d be more active on here again, and then I disappeared. I’m sorry. Update schedules are still my foe and my enemy and keeping me captive. HOWEVER, I’ve also been working on a fun new thing in my downtime, enjoy some out-of-context quotes:

  • Their debut album, Sad Boys Take Over Your Radio Station, had been a surprise hit. With their sophomore album, Not Every Long Sentence Is A Song Title (Sometimes, They’re Album Titles), they had become household names, playing themselves firmly into the hearts of gloomy teens and nostalgic twenty-somethings everywhere.
  • Sky was intimidatingly broad and sturdy, […] but about as dangerous as the average tree. He just stood around the landscape and sometimes rustled in the wind, unless he suddenly and randomly decided to drop a branch on you.
  • Attractivewomen, of course. The rest of his identity would have to stay home tonight, sleeping in the closet where it belonged.
  • And Zeke had already done his damnedest to follow the directions the nice lady at the information counter had given him—hell, he had even gone back and asked again, not that it had gotten him anywhere except on her nerves.
  • For a second he wondered if this was their meet-cute and she would ask him to get coffee together now. But just as he prepared to embrace his new rom-com existence, she had already turned and rushed off to disappear in the nameless, faceless crowd.
  • Someone should invent an improved death glare, Neo thought irritably as he watched her try to decide between various identical-sounding beverages. The kind that also worked without eye contact. Was there such a thing? If there was, he would pay good money for someone to teach him.
  • As far as he was concerned, being fawned over was better and cheaper than therapy.
  • Oh no. Thank goodness. But also, oh no. He appreciated not having to deal with this lunacy alone anymore, but out of all his bandmates, did it really have to be Zeke?