#no flag ids sorry i lack the functioning


Nature allionim/beyorientations

From top left to bottom right: bioallion, faunallion, heliallion flitallion, nimallioin, aquallion, catallion, leallion.

Bioallion/naturallion- an orientation related to nature or living things.

Faunallion- an orientation related to animals. This orientation may also feel animalistic or like attraction through an animal lense. The flag is based off the faunagender flag.

Heliallion- an orientation related to sunflowers. This orientation may also feel sunny, big, or flowerlike. Term comes from the Helianthus genus of plants, which includes sunflowers.

Flitallion- an orientation related to butterflies. This orientation may also feel distractible or fluttery. Term comes from ‘to flit’.

Nimallion- an orientation related to clouds. This orientation may also feel dreamy, hard to contain, or cloudlike. Term comes from 'nimbus’ meaning 'cloud’.

Aquallion-an orientation related to water or bodies of water. This orientation may feel aquatic, vast like an ocean, fluid, or full of life. (Originally coined by @/endermogai- sorry!)

Catallion- an orientation related to cats (or other felines). This orientation may feel playful, furry, or catlike. The flag is based off the catgender flag.

Leallion- an orientation related to leaves. This orientation may feel green, blooming, or energetic.

The other allions I’ve made but haven’t posted yet are related to: rainbows, neon, pastels, iridescence, daytime/the sun, nightime/the moon, music, tigers, dreams, space, lotus flowers, liminal spaces/kenopsia, black holes, gradients, pride flags, caves, plants, vines, cyborgs, and being: bi, pan, agender, a-spec, aro, ace, WLW, MLM, NBLNB, queer, GNC and aldernic. There are some things I’m missing here but that’s most of them I think. Expect a lot of spam sorry!

