#no tags so yeah




…if your blog is full of The Great Discord after seeing that Fia posted a picture with “him” on Facebook. Stop doing this, I’m pretty sure 99% of the people that are now posting about TGD had no clue who the fuck they were or generally gave a shit about them up until that picture came up. Stop being so fucking lame and just trying to latch onto anything and everything that is remotely connected to the band. It’s ok to JUST like Ghost you know, you don’t have to like all their past projects, side projects, friend’s projects…come on…Lame. You all did the same with Dead Soul too and it was just as lame. Let them be, let “him” be, stop being so obnoxious.

You don’t have to be so negative. What if we just want to check them out and hear for ourselves how they are and make our own judgements? Yes I checked out Dead Soul after hearing about them through Ghost, but I happened to think their music is pretty good and I’m just now checking out The Great Discord to see how they are. I’m sorry if I haven’t heard of them before Ghost, but not everyone is lucky enough to check out a band while they’re lesser known. Please don’t be like this! We have enough problems with metal elitists, we don’t need it here too. I will continue to check out the side bands and friends’ bands, but I’m not gonna claim to be a fan until I make my own judgements about them, and I understand that we don’t have to like them all.

Ok…let me ask you this, since you actually went ahead and replied to something that was not aimed at you…what exactly in my original post got you offended? From what you’re saying, you fit in NONE of the things I mentioned in my post. You got to listening to Dead Soul after hearing about them from Ghost…Good for you, so did I! Seriously, you misread everything I said. Please read my post again and if you still get offended by it…we’ll just agree to disagree on our views :) 
