#nobody writes yandere wilbur like you do



until next time, detective

detective [name] [last name] is obsessed with the hunt of the case. every new case, they obsess over it until it’s finished. however, they’re all the same. a new set of victims with the same killer proves to stand out among the rest.

  • pairing:yandere criminal wilbur soot x reader
  • warnings:major character death, death threats, swearing, violence, blood, mentions of stalking, obsession.
  • word count: 9k.
  • bones’ note: the longest piece ive ever written! very happy to present you this piece and i really hope you like it!

With each case that came in, you became obsessed. You were obsessed with the thrill of the chase, the satisfaction of each ending, the repetitive signatures. Every time, you wouldn’t eat or sleep or stop until the killer was caught. Every time, you became more and more obsessed. You couldn’t help it: The thrill of the chase overwhelmed you every time.

Catching the culprit was your only thought, your only objective; case files strewn around your room, chalk boards connecting victims and suspects and locations everywhere. Every case possessed you. You couldn’t do anything without thinking of every case. Some called you crazy. You wouldn’t say they were wrong.

Keep reading

im… in shock. where is the part 2 bones? WHERE IS IT?!2?2
