#nocturne series


Nocturne (3/?) | Moon Knight

Summary:Things take an unexpected turn in an unlikely direction.

A/N:Episode Two, comment to be tagged and let me know what you think!

Pairing:Marc Spector x OC, Steven Grant x OC

Warning:Canon-level violence, SPOILERS for Moon Knight, slight angst


An exhausted sigh left Aila as she surveyed from the rooftop, watching as Steven was pushed into a vehicle and made on his merry way to somewhere she did not know. The scarab clutched in her hand, she carefully tucked it away in her vest and scaled the building to the ground floor where her bike resided. A series of events and disputes led her right back to the remark - keep a close eye and keep Steven safe. He didn’t understand what was going on, especially with the fragments Marc had given him. She felt a great empathy for him, imagining how frightening it was to miss time and events; to hear and see another person talking back to you; to know someone else was in control. Pieces of their previous conversation filtered through, following through her visor as she concentrated on the road ahead.

“There’s a lot of books in here.” she traced the shelves with her fingers, “Have you read them all?”

“Yes.” he quietly replied, watching the woman in his flat with a curiosity in his stare. Steven stared because he was intrigued by her kind voice and the genuinity with which she spoke. 

She raised an eyebrow, looking at him over her shoulder. Aila closed her agape mouth and her eyes fell on the stacks of Egyptian books and decor, particularly the open book on the desk. 

“Sudden interest in studying hieroglyphs?” 

He shrugged, walking over as she stood over the pages “It’s-uh-nothing, not that impressive. It’s not really a whole new language…but more like-”

“An alphabet?” she offered.

Steven nodded, a soft smile reaching his eyes, “Yeah, well you still have to know ancient Egyptian to read it.” 

“Right.” she nodded

He was stumped, but found himself more comfortable in her presence after the interrogation from before. She listened and addressed him as a person, countless occasions leaving a person feeling less than they are. He continued, tracing his finger over the page to show her, “This one here, right?”

“Funeral rites.” she pointed out, watching as his face lit up.

More than that, she was patient with him, even as Steven hopelessly tried to offer up the scarab and rid himself of this horrible dream becoming his reality.

It was Marc’s word that halted him, but Aila’s persistence that meant it all returned to this moment.

Aila made sure to follow closely behind, tracking past the police station, justifying the reluctant feeling in the back of her mind. Tracing behind the vehicle, she recognised the calm and quiet of the town and particularly the imagery inked on the wrists she could see. Parking her bike, she stealthily approached the building and made her way through a lonesome corridor. It was easy enough to find them when following the sound of voices echoing off the high ceilings. Spotting Steven and the man across from him, Arthur Harrow, struck a nerve in her as she cursed.

“So, the scarab?” Arthur asked him.

“Oh, I don’t have it.” Steven denied with a shrug.

‘You must secure the scarab, Marc Spector’s safety is not our priority. Nor this Steven Grant.’ Aila glanced at Sekhmet’s figure behind her shoulder, ignoring her words.

“No?” he asked, although there was evident disbelief at the apparent lie he was met with.

“Honestly, I don’t have it.” Steven wasn’t lying on that end.

“Well, maybe you know someone who does? Maybe Marc?” Arthur leaned forward while Steven averted his gaze, glancing in the reflection of the bowl.

‘Don’t you do it.’ Marc warned him, ‘Do not say her name. Do not give Aila up-Just give me the body.’ he demanded.

Steven simply shook his head, staring down at the table, “No, I don’t.”

Arthur remained calm, exhaling deeply, “May I speak with Marc?”

Steven is left stumped as he stared at the man.

“Marc,” Arthur addressed, “What has Khonshu promised you? That this is your last mission, then you’ll be free?” 

Glancing down at his reflection, Steven sees the intensity taking over Marc’s face as it his resolve hardened. “Trust me when I tell you, Khonshu is a liar. There is always one last thing.”

“Sorry.” Steven diverted the conversation, “If Ammit judges people pre-evil, like before the fact, then isn’t she judging an innocent person?”

Aila’s brows furrowed in confusion at his tactics, unsure of how Steven planned to get out of this without Marc’s help.

‘What is he doing?’ Sekhmet tilted her head.

“I mean, a thought can’t be evil, can it? I think about killing my boss all the time-but I won’t actually do it.”


“What-what about a child?” Steven continued, “Would she kill a child for what they might do in 30 years?”

A chilling smile twisted on Arthur’s face “I’m glad you mentioned that. Sometimes, the cure is a little taste of the disease. The difference between medicine and poison sometimes is only dosage.” 

He brought his hand up, “Consider a diseased limb. Amputation, horrific and grotesque, is necessary for larger health.”

‘That is not the way.’ Sekhmet’s staff tapped the ground., her voice ringing through Aila’s mind.

“But the child is not a diseased limb.” he defended, “Sorry, is that…are you saying…you’re all into that, like, killing children? Maybe that’s just me, but that’s…I kind of draw the line there at child murder.” Steven mused, raising his hands.

Everything seemed to go still for a moment as Aila sensed the room take a turn. Arthur stood from his seat, handling his cane with something sinister coming forward, Steven also sensing its arrival. The rest of the room took a step backward at this as well. “I don’t want to have to do this…” 

“Then don’t.” Steven stared wide-eyed at the cane as it began to glow a bright purple. “I can’t help you,” he pleaded.

“Yes, you can.” Arthur replied, “I need to know, where is the scarab, Steven? Where is the scarab?” he repeated.

‘It seems you are needed. Now is the time.’ she stepped back, looking down at her Avatar.

Aila swallowed down her anxieties as she opened her eyes and leapt from her spot, landing in a crouch behind the crowd. 

“I don’t know.” 

There wasn’t a clear or quiet passage to get Steven out of this, and so.

“I have it.” she raised the scarab above her head, causing all eyes to fall on her with a palm raised in the air. Steven glanced at her, his heart racing in his chest. The sound of Marc’s protests was loud in his ears as she walked forward and Arthur stared at the scarab greedily. 

‘This is not what I intended.’ 

She wasn’t afraid of Harrow, more so unnerved by his blind trust in Ammit’s vengeful name. Sure, she wasn’t in any place to place judgement on anyone, but this was clearly an imbalance. 

He spoke carefully, his voice low “You couldn’t possibly understand the value of what you’re holding.” reaching out a hand to accept it from her. She continued to stare at him, already having decided her next move as she kept a firm grip on it.

“Let me have that, I’ll keep it safe.” 

‘There is no deal in this, Marc! Fix this, fix this!’ Khonshu’s voice ordered while Steven stared at Y/N with shock.

‘Get out of there!’ Sekhmet’s echoed.

“Summon the suit.” she whispered, hoping to buy them some time.

Steven’s brows furrowed in confusion, “Sorry, what?” 

“Summon the suit.” she whispered, watching the figures swarm around them.

“Summon the soup? What are you saying?”

“Steven-Marc, the suit. Summon it.” she pleaded, trying to get to him through his mind. Wracking her mind for a plan, she shoved the scarab between his fingers and shut them, “Keep this safe.”

“What are you doing?” Steven searched for Aila’s gaze as she quickly looked around them.

“So be it.” Arthur sighed, twisting his cane toward the floor.

“It’s time to go.” she replied, pushing him behind her just as Arthur’s followers moved around them. Pushing Steven toward the stairs, Aila moved close behind before a pair of arms locked around her arm to pull her back. Steven’s shout of protest was quelled at the sight of Aila’s quick manoeuvre. She wrenched her arm back and swung a punch, knocking the man into a table and another was onto them. Swinging her leg in an arch, the man fell into the wall as she huffed and turned to push Steven back up the steps. 

“Go! Now!”

Another man blocked their path as they reached the top of the steps. Running in the other direction, Steven found himself halting at the sight of another before Aila jumped in and kneed the man in the chest and punched him, easily throwing him off the ledge before they started running again. 

“That was awesome.” Steven replied just as the ground began to shake. In the moment, she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him into an empty room.

“Bolt the door.” She helped him seal the metal lock and they turned around to the storage room. 

“Oh my god.” Steven gasped, glancing around at the artefacts “I’m going to die in an evil magician’s man cave.”

“Hey, listen. You’re going to be okay, alright?” she nodded her head, “Marc, I know you’re in there, I need your help right now. I need you to put on the suit.”

The door began to shake, something on the other side trying to get it.

“N-no.” Steven shook his head frightenedly.

“Come on, Marc. You need to fight, please. I need you.” She exhaled, searching Steven’s eyes for the remnants of the familiar man she knew.

Steven breathed, shaking his head anxiously “I can’t.”

‘Let me in, Steven.’ Marc stared at the man through the reflection of the mirror.

“No, I can’t.” Steven closed his eyes, trying to desperately get a breath.

‘Let me in, Steven. It’s the only way. There is no more time.’ Marc urged.

“Stop, please, both of you!” Steven glanced between Marc in his reflection and Aila. She breathed, taking a step back before glancing between the door and him. A bout of guilt rid her as he sank down and grabbed at his temples, the pressure of it all taking a toll on him. Nodding her head, she sighed and allowed her hands to gently brush his hands and squeeze. 

“It’s okay. Breath with me.” she urged, “Follow me, okay?” 

“I will fix this. Try and stay calm. Okay, Steven? I’m right here with you.” she repeated, grasping both of his hands in her gentle grasp. Still, she searched his eyes for signs of Marc, to no avail. As the door began to force itself open, her heart hammered in her chest but she glanced down at him with a sense of calm and assurance that began to seep into his bones. 

“Stay behind me.” she murmured, nodding to get him to understand before he followed reluctantly, a sense of trust formed between them. 

‘I am with you, strong one.’

Facing the door, she exhaled when it opened and the wild and large form of the jackal peered through the doors. A fire lit in her veins, reaching her eyes until she stared down with the creature.

“Do you see that?” he pointed out and she didn’t respond before it darted forward and she swung around, a sword extending out into her grasp and black armour covered her body. Her sword sliced, raising a screech from the creature before she twisted around and struck again, dodging its ferocious attacks for her neck. Aila darted to Steven as he froze up at the sight of the jackal. 


The minute distraction was enough for the creature to retaliate and wrench her body into a nearby rack with a crash that sent shatters everywhere. The sound of Steven’s concerned voice reached her as she groaned. Not a second later did she hear his yell and the crashing of glass. Her head shot up toward the window, rushing off the ground to glance around. Searching for Steven, she scaled down the building and hit the ground, only to meet a silent street.

A figure wandered down the street, clad entirely in a white suit and a mask that looked eerily familiar, a crescent on the forehead. “Steven?…” she murmured, “You look different.” watching as he was tackled again to the ground. 

“Stay away from me!” he shouted, struggling against the jackal’s hold.

Not a second later, did the creature turn to her and leap to attack. Aila moved quickly, darting around to swing her sword down and roll behind the creature. It struck the ground where she landed, forcing her to flip and rise with her sword in hand, glancing over to Steven as his masked eyes studied her entirely. He glossed over the armour and the sword she brandished before she focused back on the jackal. It slammed into her, gripping her against the wall. 

“Let go of her!” He shouted, moving forward to intervene when a blast of fire came between Aila and the jackal. It screeched in pain and dropped her, raising a groan from the woman as she gasped. Aila breathed heavily, waving a fiery hand at the creature just as it set its sight on Steven and she launched the fire into its side. Opting to go for her instead, the jackal roared and galloped toward Aila who threw a dagger to impede it to no avail. It continued to make its way to her as she crouched low to the ground and drew her sword, flipping and striking the creature from above. She tucked and rolled into a crouch, looking up at Steven who stared at her in awe. His body language quickly changed, glancing behind her until she turned and buckled under the pressure of the jackal’s hit that sent her onto her back. Her heart leapt into her throat, the image of the gnashing teeth above her.

“Get away from her, you!” Steven yelled, self-assured with his new suit of confidence, “Yeah, I see you, plug-ugly coyote. You’re in the wrong ends, mate. You’re in my yard now.” He rolled his sleeves up, clenching his raised fists. 

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. My name is Steven with a V.” He sang, lunging forward with a punch that sent the creature flying back several feet and slamming into the ground. 

“I did it! You got planted!” He cheered, looking over at Aila who stood from the ground, “Aila! Did you see that?”

He was quick to celebrate before the jackal rushed him and Steven slammed into the nearby bus, rammed into it several times. 

'That was one hell of a punch back there.’ Marc smirked in the reflection, his face now privy to Steven’s eyes. 'Look around. Someone is going to get hurt if you don’t let me help.’

“Alright. Do it. Take control, for now.” Steven sighed, pushing himself up against the bus. He gasped, leaning upward as his eyes shone white and Marc took over. The white suit of the Moon Knight armour covered his body and he turned to Aila crossing the street. Flickering over to the jackal only visible to their eyes, Marc glanced down at her hand gripping her side.

Aila nodded, “Get it out of here. I’ll follow behind." 


In the mirror, Steven found it suffocating and overwhelming while he looked out into the real world going on about without him. Marc was in control of the body after regaining consciousness and leaving him right here in this frighteningly position.

'Can I have my body back?’

"I can’t do that right now, Steven.” Marc leaned over on his knees, staring at nothing while he thought. He wrung his hands through his hair and exhaled sharply.

'Please.’he pleaded, staring at Marc’s back in the glass, 'I’m taking it back.' 

Steven visibly strained as he tried to regain consciousness. To no avail.

“Sorry.” Marc replied, “We’ve always managed to keep a wall between us, but something’s changed. The one who controls the body has become stronger." 

Looking in the mirror he stood in front of, Marc saw Steven shake his head in denial.

"The reflections help, but most of the time, it’ll take all your willpower just to be a fly on the wall.”

'You can’t do this. Keeping me trapped in here. You have no right.’ Steven countered helplessly. 

In spite of the circumstances, Marc sighed and remained calm. He offered Steven a bit of calm with the guilt weighing over him. 

'My whole life…I can’t go on a bloody date. I can barely keep a goldfish alive. I lost my job. It’s been you-its always been you-’

Marc raised his hand to object, “Look, when I am done, when I have repaid my debt, I swear to you, you will never see me or hear from me again. I promise you. We wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for Khonshu. And my…servitude is the price that I pay.”

'What kind of servitude?’ Steven’s brows furrowed.

"The kind that leaves me covered in blood.” He replied, standing up.

'Yeah, well that blood is on my hands. You ruin people’s lives, you ruin everything you touch. You ruin,' 

Marc clenched his eyes shut, burying the building guilt in his chest while Steven continued to rise the anger he wrought. 

“You hurt people and you abandoned your partner. She clearly cares about you-understands you enough to come this far to try and help us, and you still hurt her.’

"I had to do it-” he gasped, “I had to do all of it to protect her and finish this before it gets worse.” Marc shook his head, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

'All you had to do was tell her the truth-’

Marc narrowed his eyes in the glass, “And drag her further into this mess? No. It’s already too dangerous as it is." 

'You’re a liar. I don’t believe you. I don’t trust you.’ Steven screamed, 'You hurt people!’

"I’m not gonna let anything happen to her.” Marc lamented.

'I won’t let you hurt anyone again!’

“Just shut up!" 

'I will never give you a moment of peace, I promise.’

They kept going back and forth until Marc had enough and the rage let out with each kick lacing a crack, the mirror shattering under the force. Khonshu’s deep voice reverberated in his ears, drawing his attention to the rooftop. Marc sighed, preparing himself for the ridicule. 

"We’ll find the scarab." 

'Too late. Harrow has it.' 

"Then we’ll find another way. We’ll get to Ammit’s tomb first.”

'You know I’ll protect you with everything I have.’ Khonshu replied.

“I’ll do whatever it takes then. Then you let me go.” Marc decided.

'Let me remind you of your debt to me.’ Konshu remarked, standing over the terrace. He dropped down and stood over Marc, 'You were nothing but a corpse when I found you. I own this body.’

Aila clenched her jaw, lowering her head as a breeze brushed past. She knew all too well of the burden dealing with a god left. The crunch of glass under her feet sounded, a flinch from Marc as he turned. The sight of Aila’s black armour as it dropped from her head, revealed her graceful features. Careful eyes studied him, the change in posture and the recognition as he glossed over her which told her enough. 

“Marc…” she lamented, glancing down at the shattered mirror and the broken expression he swept behind a hardened stare.

“Why did you come? You had the scarab.”

“The one thing you told me was to take care of Steven. I did that. I can’t change what’s already happened.” she studied him, a moment of silence passing between them “Are you okay? Is Steven?”

“Not important right now.” 

She narrowed her eyes at his dismissal, stepping forward to grasp his hand when he retracted away, “Of course it is.”

He turned away from her, looking up at the ominous figure. Khonshu loomed over them, relaxed with his staff at his side. ‘You said it wouldn’t interfere and look where it got us.’

Sekhmet stood behind her shoulder, 'The work you’re doing is far greater than the life you led before. If Harrow completes his mission, millions could die. This cannot happen again.’

Aila averted her gaze to the ground, ‘It is an unfortunate price all Avatars must pay in return. The consequences otherwise, are dire.’

“We’ll find them.” Aila assured, tilting her head up, ”I will fix this.”

‘You will,’ Khonshu interjected, looking down at her, 'If you are unsuccessful, I fear Marc Spector will never see daylight again.’

The tremor of his voice rang true, tears instilled in Aila’s eyes while the two gods stood between her and Marc. She clenched her jaw, her fingers flexing at her side. Marc’s eyes met her own, and she saw the despair along with something else that he’d rather not share; an expected behaviour of her partner.

“Where are we going?”
