





I’ve been sitting here for like an hour just deleting crappy subs people add to videos. The captioning is not a place for people to add their little notes and giggle about darkiplier and make jokes about how loud Jack is. 

People need the captions, don’t fuck around with them. 

This is important. Please keep your jokes to yourself and the comments to yourself. Captioning is necessary and important. Take it seriously guys.

Seriously you guys.

Deaf people rely on them.

Hard of hearing people rely on them.

People with auditory processing disorder rely on them.

People rely on them.

Heck, even just plain hearing people use them when theres too much noise or when they cant use their headphones/speaker.

I dont care that “theres not much deaf followers” or “they should get hearing devices”

1) you dont know whoes deaf/hoh/has apd or not. Plus what if a they happened to come across the video in the future?

2) hearing aids dont work for everyone. I have a cochlear implant and its crap when it comes to vidoes. Plus you’re ignoring those with auditory processing disorder.

“You’re no fun”

Actually you’re no fun because you’re getting rid of the only way we could possibly understand this freaking video

If you’re that selfish and irrisponsible enough to not put it in for those who rely on it, at least do it for your future self who will want to watch it at 1 am but have broken headphones and no speakers.

^^ guys we can’t say that we should get rid of captions i as a fully hearing person who uses captions all the time is appalled anyone would suggest that. Captions are not only important and are used all the time. Sure some people put personal jokes in the captions but at least they are doing captions. if you want to complain then be willing to make the captions yourself.

What if we can’t make the captions ourself, on account of BEING DEAF?

You are silly =)
