#non sims


um… okay

which wallpaper do we like the most fellaswhich wallpaper do we like the most fellaswhich wallpaper do we like the most fellas

which wallpaper do we like the most fellas

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leith ross put music box on spotify challenge

already have a sorceress in lost ark but i’m so tempted to remake because i don’t like my og sorceress’ appearance anymore ‍♀️

anyone know of any free video editing softwares that dont do weird shit to your pc


hi question to people who edit with renders from blender.. how are you personally making buildings/houses in blender that look like they’re straight from ts4

my photoshop froze… and i didnt save my edit……… ‍♀️

I will be MIA….

I am traveling tomorrow to meet up with my brother and sister in Florida to see our Dad. He has had a very rough year…
He suffered a massive heart attack, underwent quadruple bypass
surgery and before healing completely from that, they found cancer in one of his kidneys and had to have surgery to remove it.
We have not all been together for 5 years and with my Dad’s health…we figured we need to get together now.
It very well may be the last time we are all together! :(

See you next week!

Yes, I know it’s 93 degrees outside and I’m wearing a sweater and an unseasonal hat. I’m just really excited for fall, okay?

Hi, so my post about maybe getting back into the sims obviously was a farce. (I still haven’t even b

Hi, so my post about maybe getting back into the sims obviously was a farce. (I still haven’t even booted up the game since February 2nd.) 

In other news, would ya look at that? Allison’s started another playthrough of Inquisition. This is Kara Trevelyan and I’m sharing her because I think she’s pretty and I feel bad for leaving this blog lifeless for so long.

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Everyone, meet Mark Succerberg (Golden Torch) and Prick Jagger (Ladyfinger)!

I’ve never, ever cared for cacti before, but I’m super excited to start nurturing these cuties.

Unpopular opinion: Daisy Mae and her little bouncing strip of snot is one of the most disgusting things in this entire game. Seriously, either go blow your nose or get the hell away from me because you’re gross and I hate having to look at you all day.

Hiya there, simblr! I’ve been in a really good headspace lately and feeling a strange but very welcome sense of self confidence so thought I’d share this selfie! Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe and healthy (physically AND mentally because that’s just as important!)

Also, winged eyeliner is hard don’t judge haha.

TFW you can’t decide which hobby to enjoy so you sit there and weigh the pros and cons of each activity for so long it becomes too late to do anything and you go to bed sad.

I know Lana’s/sssvitlans been gone for a while, but I still used her blog from time to time because her immense amount of tags were *chef’s kiss*. Anyway, just went to look for something and noticed her site no longer exists. Drats. 
