#non-writing prompts


♡ treats for writers - a non-writing bucket list ♡

Feel free to use and reblog!

#1 - put together a list of media your character would consume. series, books, films, music… what makes them go crazy?

#2 - make your character’s favourite meal. enjoy it!

#3 - take your favourite character on a walk. what did you talk about? did you even talk?

#4 - re-read all the reviews/comments you already received. (or only the ones that make you happiest)

#5 - wear something your favourite character would wear for a day

#6 - make a mood board for your story/next chapter. save all the images that inspire you

#7 - collect items that remind you of your character. make them get more real for you by putting them on your window sill

#8 - make a playlist for your character. you already have? no problem, make another. there can never be enough

#9 - write a letter from your character (to you) on nice stationery and hang it up in your room to motivate yourself

#10 - are you listening to music right now? take your headphones off and see what the silence does. are you sitting in silence right now? put on some headphones and see what the wonder of music does.
