


All I’m saying is maybe the Bell Riots start in the 2020s because of the results of reverting Roe vs Wade


From the Wikipedia page on loons




also like i had suchhh bad ocd around media consumption and being cancelled when i was like 15. like, crying-myself-to-sleep physically-ill guilt when Someone Else made a joke that wasnt Perfectly Moral. like. y'all calling anything problematic and telling people to kill themselves over it is actively harming people & it’s making people less likely to want to change their behaviour because once they’ve done one thing wrong it’s put into a huge google doc and their apologies are never acknowledged.

People on the internet love to act as if famous people exist in a static state– like they’re always the same person they were when they first appeared on the internet, and any “change” or “improvement” is actually just them lying to make themselves look better. When they have… no way to actually prove that or any basis for that belief in the first place.

If some of the shit I said when I was a teenager got online now I’d be in BIG trouble. Everybody has to learn, at some point, unless you were born into a super well-educated home and just… got lucky enough to be raised in an environment where you were never taught anything nasty, by your family or peers. EVERYBODY. People really need to learn that what makes a person good or bad isn’t whether they’ve ever said anything bad, because literally every human alive will at some point, but how they behave AFTER they do that– whether they listen, recognize their behavior, and change, or whether they go on the defense and make excuses for themselves. THAT is the real show of moral character.

ALSO, WHILE I’M TALKING ABOUT THIS, a creator deleting old posts, tweets, or other content of theirs that contains problematic jokes or whatever of theirs from YEARS ago doesn’t automatically mean they’re trying to hide it. Maybe they just… saw it again, went “oof that’s nasty,” and removed it because they… recognized it was nasty and didn’t want anyone else having to see that nastiness? And maybe they haven’t “addressed it” years and years later for the same reason– it happened years ago and they didn’t want to drag it back in front of more people because they’re aware it was a harmful or upsetting thing for them to say?

I just. get so tired of everyone automatically jumping to the worst possible conclusion about Everyone, All The Time.


I agree with the tags that refuse any contextualization for this masterpiece



I dont want to be rude, but Pedro was right



there are valid criticisms to be made about disco but i think it’s REALLY funny when people derisively call it a soap opera as if voyager didn’t have a prominent storyline where a villain falsely claimed to have artificially inseminated herself using a main character’s DNA and also she was a cardassian spy

Other Soap Opera Bits on Voyager (affectionate):

- The captain accidentally had three babies with the helmsman

- Half of the crew had a hypnotism cue placed in their brains that made them mutiny

- The captain and the first officer got a disease that made them get quarantined together on a planet all alone and oh no they’re falling in love

- The head of security was hiding the fact that he had a degenerative brain condition for the entire show and it was dramatically revealed in the finale

- The captain had a brief dalliance with a dude who was clearly there to sabotage them but she had a Secret Plan to sabotage him first

- There was a literal serial killer on the ship that the head of security ended up befriending and the head of security got a little too murdery himself

- I can think of at least three characters off the top of my head that were, at one point or another, a spy

- A powerful semi-ally asked the captain to have a baby with him for Political Power reasons

- The youngest member of the senior officer crew fell in love with a girl and got a space STD that he refused to get treated because of True Love reasons

- The ship’s only doctor almost left the ship to pursue his dreams of being an opera star

- One of the main characters used to be in a cult

- The helmsman and head engineer had a baby that was born during the climax of the finale and the helmsman couldn’t be there for the birth because of Dramatic Hero Purposes



about to post something really great





cannot believe twitter libs are whining that protesting outside Kavanaugh’s house is iNcOnSiDeRaTe To HiS nEiGhBoRs. if you live nextdoor to Brett fucking Kavanaugh and you’re not shitting on his porch or at least throwing eggs at his house every day you’re wasting your life.

this bitch understood

It was, in fact, his neighbors who organized the protest.

fucking superb you funky little neighbors



[video description: the video begins with a shot of a news channel on a tv screen with the headline, “toilet paper prices expected to go up.” offscreen, a voice says, “aw, shit,” in a southern accent. the camera pans to the speaker, a middle-aged man with a prosthetic arm and leg, as he says, “Here we go again.” the video wavers and a harp sound effect plays to indicate a flashback. the video cuts to the same man behind a truck, holding up a package of toilet paper, his arm and leg obscured by the truck. he says, “Makenzie, I got some!” and then steps out from behind the truck, revealing his prostheses, and says, “But you’re not gonna believe what it cost me.” end video description.]







Weird peeve time. Calling lab grown gemstones “fake” is stupid because it’s the same shit just not formed naturally. An artificially grown diamond is the same shit as a natural diamond it is the exact same material bro it’s all fuckign carbon

It’s carbon it’s pretty and it didn’t involve slave labor what’s not to love??? Hi I’m having geology opinions tonight apparently. And I’m right

There is so much bullshit in the diamonds industry to be mad about tbh. It also ties into the bullshit of the wedding industry as a whole but we don’t have the time to unpack all that

not even going to lie, the day i learned i could get like 15 lab grown rubies the size of dimes for $20 is the day i spent $20 on rubies, and i have never once said to myself “man, i wish this cost $1,600 and the lives of eight children to produce”

We are a pro-lab-grown mineral blog here, not only is it massively cheaper but massively more ethical as well in many cases.

Also science is so cool and I love how awesome it is. Wearing science is rad as hell

kipplekipple:verpine95:brunhiddensmusings:disgruntledmenshevikjohnmulaney: hot take- people who have





hot take- people who have made a conscious decision to be horrible bigots should understand that they will be treated like people who chose to be horrible bigots

The person who said that quote now goes by Abigail Thorn btw!

Oooo love that for her!

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i cannot stress enough that because of how social media and communications platforms work, if you put something out into the world people will 1) see it 2) react to it and maybe even 3) reply publicly. unless it is a private journal or such, you should accept that if you put something out there that is inherently divisive, you will receive comments that may make you unhappy.

if you blaze a post (force randos to see it) intended for an inherently niche audience (fanfiction consumers), that’s one thing. appending “minors dni” to what should be a perfectly innocuous post while also fucking blazing it (again, forcing randos to see it, including minors), will get you made fun of. doubly so if this leads people to look at your fanfics, and quadruply so if said fanfics are omegaverse stories about real people

posts that replicate the feeling of seeing a massive plume of black smoke coming from somewhere on the far horizon




Perfect standing wave on a computer-controlled wave pool

If you, like me, did not know what a standing wave looks like, please keep watching this until about halfway through when the whole pool is synced. It’s eerie and cool af

It’s fucking flubber






good morning everyone! I have a new all-time favorite work of art, and it’s this early 19thc ivory netsuke in the shape of an INCREDIBLY fat bird

This must’ve been a popular design for netsuke, because there’s a very similar one on display in the National Museum of Scotland:

important update!!! the borb is part of a FLOCK

after venturing out to pinterest in search of their roundest birds, i present the following

AND it turns out they probably all have FEET


Everyone shut up and look at this carving of a whale from the 1200-600 CE Chumash culture

The stereotypical selfie that all photographers take. And I did mine here in 2008. #nikon #d90 #self

The stereotypical selfie that all photographers take. And I did mine here in 2008. #nikon #d90 #selfie #photographerselfie #mirror #reflection #puffer #lightmodifier #hashtag #bmx #shampoo #fructis #strobist #powerwheels #nonsense #hashtagparty #batman #spiderman #saskatoon #calgary #tokyo #japan #asia#yokohama

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