#nonviolence is not the answer






Anti-gun leftists are fuckin loser nerds and genuinely fucking awful at observing history

Restricting weapons has always come from a landed, rich, powerful ruling class attempting to pacify populations and squash any possible chance at resistance or even self-defense, affording weapons as a privilege to only the martial ruling class. Gun control is the same story. Even modern gun control comes directly from the mouth of billionaires like Bloomberg, who pours hundreds of millions into campaigns to push this idea. All of the proposals presented and laws enacted simply serve to make guns inaccessible to working-class populations. It also relies on means of production being controlled and consolidated in the hands of those loyal to the ruling class to control the flow of weapons and make them inaccessible to the working class. Ignoring all that, say it works perfectly, it’s an ideal that can only possibly work in metropolitan areas and hangs rural people out to dry.

On every level, anti-gun politics are disastrous and victimizing. They only serve the interests of the bourgeois.

It is propaganda.

What do you plan on doing with the guns exactly?

what is this pithy fucking gotcha supposed to prove?

oh no, you found us out! we actually wish to, yes, shoot our guns (!!!) if need be at people who attempt to do us harm with their own guns! that means we must be as bad as they are. smh if only we’d wished harder that guns weren’t a central reality living in this country we could’ve avoided this whole situation, with the power of thought and ideals. smdh
