#normalize being human

crayfishcoffee: Pygmalion / Galatea~ A Trans Retelling ~printed on white & semi-transparent vellcrayfishcoffee: Pygmalion / Galatea~ A Trans Retelling ~printed on white & semi-transparent vellcrayfishcoffee: Pygmalion / Galatea~ A Trans Retelling ~printed on white & semi-transparent vellcrayfishcoffee: Pygmalion / Galatea~ A Trans Retelling ~printed on white & semi-transparent vellcrayfishcoffee: Pygmalion / Galatea~ A Trans Retelling ~printed on white & semi-transparent vell


Pygmalion / Galatea

~ A Trans Retelling ~

printed on white & semi-transparent vellum paper

Post link



this is really important so i’m posting it here because it’ll probably get removed and the original poster may be banned, but this is literal documentation and proof that terfs and transphobes are directly connected to the far-right and have roots in racism, homophobia, misogyny, and antisemitism. it really is all part of the same oppressive system, so there is no disconnecting transphobia from conservatism. there is no such thing as a progressive transphobe as much as they may want you to believe. it has nothing to do with biology or protecting women or children, none of it is founded in science or logic, it is purely hatred and and attempt to justify bigotry.


I got radicalized into the far-right on TikTok.  Well, technically I didn’t, but an account that I made did, and this is a graph of what that looked like.  I just published this study, and I’ll link it in the comments, but I’ll also break it down right now, here.

So I wanted to examine whether or not transphobia is a gateway prejudice that leads to like, broader far-right radicalization.  It’s been pretty clear for a while now that the far-right is transphobic, but we wanted to see whether being transphobic alone was enough to lead you to the far right.

So I made a brand new TikTok account and followed 14 creators known to post transphobic content.  Then I started scrolling my ‘For You’ page, and I started exclusively engaging with transphobic content, and I documented the main narratives of the more than 400 videos recommended to me.  We also double-blind coded this, meaning that another researcher also watched every video and coded the narratives, and then if we ever disagreed, more researchers would come in and perform a tie-breaker.  Once we removed sponsored videos and videos that had been taken down before they could be double-coded, we were left with 360 videos.

Of the 360 total videos, 103 were homophobic or anti-trans, 42 were misogynistic, 29 contained racist narratives or white supremacist messaging, and 14 endorsed violence.  Obviously, TikTok didn’t just like give us neo-nazi content immediately.  I actually didn’t get my first Nazi symbol until video 141.  But the more I interacted with transphobic content, the more I was fed not only more transphobic content, but also homophobia and misogyny and racism and antisemitism.  So I didn’t actually have to interact with racist content to be fed white supremacist content, I just had to engage with transphobic content.

What you see in this graph is the TikTok algorithm starting off with a normal feed — memes, recipes, whatever — and then going “OHH, you’re transphobic!  Have you tried hating the gays?  What about women?”

So, it appears that transphobia can radicalize a TikTokker.

Around video 400, you’ll notice an interesting spike in far-right figures, hate symbols, antisemitism and calls to violence.  That’s when I reached fascist TikTok and set my phone on fire.  400 videos might sound like a lot, but if a user watches each video for an average of 20 seconds, they would end up watching 400 videos in just over 2 hours.  So, a user could basically download the app at breakfast and be fed the overtly white supremacist, neo-nazi content before lunch.

-pauses, purses lips-

That’s not good!

/ end transcription]

Link to the study:


Feels especially timely to reblog again, since I just did a partial purge of followers and kept warring over whether to block the terves, especially the new-minted ones scarcely out of their teens.

One of them was posting explicitly about anti-Black and white supremacist content in radfem circles with enormous concern, as if this was an intrusion of fascist agents into their safe-for-women society and not the fucking soil that trans-exclusivity grew from, and it’s like - you’re so close. Step into the light. 

It is not for nothing that the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was raided and its materials burned by the Nazis in 1933.

There is no cis-enough lesbianism for fascists. There is no freedom from demotion to broodmare under fascists. There is no existing on your own terms under fascists. You are painting the crosshairs into their scopes for them to shoot you once they run low on transwomen.

I have enough privilege that I will face less harm from exposure to those people than most, and the radicalization pipeline is so aggressive. I’ve left some trad-life dudes and racists unblocked for much the same reason when I find them. If they liked anything else I had to say enough that they followed me, maybe I can inject some fucking critical thought into their propaganda streams.

I keep wavering over whether the better use of my privilege is to hoist the banners of inclusivity straight off in a pinned post or my blog description, or - more analogous to my real-life presence, since I’m accustomed to being mistaken for vegan or pentecostal or dominable or whatever that person wants to project on me, whatever role they assume I play in their limited comprehension - if I should merely exist, wait for them to come to me, as they often do, and be shocked and shaken and in every way Upset when I do not conform to expectations and the world is bigger than they knew and still-beautiful. And maybe a crack forms in their too-smooth model of a simplistic universe. They usually go away to think. They usually come back to ask more.

Sometimes it’s more effective when you aren’t labeled for easy consumption or disposal.

I don’t know. But I hope.







“The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore, we’ve learned most of what we know. Recently, we’ve waded a little way out, maybe ankle-deep, and the water seems inviting. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” - Carl Sagan

and the universe said I love you

and the universe said you have played the game well

and the universe said everything you need is within you

and the universe said you are stronger than you know

and the universe said you are the daylight

and the universe said you are the night

and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you

and the universe said the light you seek is within you

and the universe said you are not alone

and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing

and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code

and the universe said I love you because you are love.

Julian Gough, Minecraft End Poem
