#norse mythos



Norse goddess of winter and hunting.

➳ Enjoy the outdoors; visit nearby hiking trails, parks, lakes, etc

➳ During the winter, go outside more! Throw it back to snowball fights, sledding, snow angels and people, etc

➳ If you collected snow water this past winter, leave it as an offering for her. If not, or if you’re in an area without, snow globes and paper snowflakes also work!

 If you typically hunt, dedicate the act to her.

➳ Have a random winter based movie marathon in the off months

➳ Dress for the weather. This is ignored especially during the colder months, so make sure to get your coat out next season!

➳ Add cooler colors into your wardrobe, whites and light blues / yellows / etc etc. This can be as simple as nail polish, but range from accented makeup to full clothing dedications.

➳ Go all out with winter celebrations, don’t let the cold hold you back!

➳ Set up a winter oasis for her in your home using decorations you’d normally have put away; keep out your stringed lights, snow settings, etc etc

➳ Practice your aim. This can be as grand as practicing archery, or as small as using your trash as a basket, playing bags, and so on.

➳ Keep up to date with the Winter Olympics the next time they’re on.

➳ Donate your old winter clothes in her name.

➳ Exercise! I feel this is a good way to honor a goddess of the hunt - going on walks and/or runs in particular. 

➳ As per usual, light a candle! Any winter, nature, or woods themed scents work perfectly for her! 

Feel free to add your own! This post is subject to updates, but anything added from another source will get it’s due credit. You can request an additional Norse deity / figure here.
