
Sneak peek of a forthcoming Norse lullaby and this is my #jouhikko #talharpa that I find hard too ta

Sneak peek of a forthcoming Norse lullaby and this is my #jouhikko #talharpa that I find hard too tame. I love traditional songs and specially lullabies and nursery rhymes with a hint of darkness behind the. What are your favourite traditional folk songs? Is there one in your country (no matter what language) you particularly enjoy.

By the way having a hiccup on my youtube channe so if you follow me there could you make sure you are still subscribed and enabled the bed. Hope the glitch resolves but it helps if you check. Thank you

#norseinspiration #nordicstyle #vikingstyle #sneakpeek #fairytale #darkwoods #musicinstruments #neofolk #norsepagan #norsemusic

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