#not a comic


In case anyone still remembers this blog I’m going to give you guys a bit of an update about my situation. Due to several complications I couldn’t move into my apartment until less than two weeks ago and stress has been eating away at me. I still haven’t unpacked everything and things are a mess.

AND next week I’m going to Wolfcon in Amsterdam so I’ve got plenty of things to do to prepare for that. Is anyone else going? I’m really excited but also terrified as it’ll be my first time flying alone.

Anyway, my point is that there won’t be any new comics for quite a while, but I haven’t forgotten about this blog. I hope to return asap.

As you may have noticed, updates have been more and more infrequent recently. The situation is that my life is going through some big changes at the moment. For one, I’m finally moving out from my mom’s apartment to one of my own! It was kind of sprung on me suddenly and I start moving next week so it’s been stressful. Plus there’s some other stuff I won’t get into. 

Anyway, I’ll be on a semi-hiatus thing. If I suddenly get hit with inspiration I’ll make a new comic and upload it, but updates won’t be on a regular basis for a while. I hope you guys understand. I appreciate each and every one of you. <3

I got hit with a sudden and vicious cold so I’ll probably be gone for even longer this time. I wanted to try to have at least one comic every week as my new “schedule” but now I need loads of rest to get better before christmas happens. Sorry, guys! Thanks for sticking with me even through my absences. 

I’ll be answering asks privately for a while as to not clog up people’s dash with love and hate and trivial stuff like that. So if you want to come at me, please do so off anon so I can reply in a calm and sensible manner.


I’m making a quick post to pin!

Thank you for all your kind comments and thoughts about my work! You all are so sweet and I really appreciate it!

Earlier in the year, I moved away from my transphobic parents’ house and created a Ko-Fi to help with the cost of living.  Unfortunately, I had to end up moving back with my parents, and that’s where I am currently, so I took down my Ko-Fi link because I didn’t feel comfortable having people donate money when it wasn’t going to be able to be used for the purpose I had stated as helping with my living costs.  I also felt guilty that I wasn’t providing any extra or exclusive content on my Ko-Fi page.

I only really know the basics of Ko-Fi. And I don’t really want to make exclusive comics that people would have to pay for, because making this comic series free, anonymous, and available for anyone was a very purposeful decision.  But I also have no income right now, due to the pandemic and classes.  I am not in urgent need of money, as I am being housed by my parents, but I would like to be able to move out someday, and have the funds to be able to do that.

So! I’m going to put my Ko-Fi link back up, but this time around I would like to explicitly treat it as simply a Tip Jar! If you like my work and want to donate some money, feel free and thank you! If you don’t want to give money, that’s all right too and thank you for reading! No exclusive content will appear on Ko-Fi, so don’t worry about missing out on anything! 

This is just a small way for me to continue building up my savings for the future. I am not a big spender, so while I occasionally will buy non-essential things like clothing items, the majority of money donated will be saved for future plans and livelihood. (Just making sure I have some some transparency on what donated money will be used for.)

So, without further ado, my Ko-Fi:


Thank you so much for reading!

tl;dr - hey! here’s my Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/bluejaycomics ! Thank you!


Which also means the BRAND NEW TOTAL TRAUMA DISCORD is here, too! Every tier gets discord access, and there will be lots of other fun stuff too – Early access to comics days before they go up publicly, exclusive live streams, and much more to come!

C'mon, look at him! Help the poor guy out.

Today’s comic is postponed until next week! See you then!

Hey folks! Today’s comic will be delayed- Alex injured her finger and couldn’t make one. Keep an eye out for one in the next couple of days though! Sorry!




In the vast world of comics, I wonder if there have been heroes with a “Groundhog Day,” type power. By that I specifically mean a hero who, if they die, immediately finds themselves waking up at the beginning of that day again. If they don’t die, they just continue forward through time.

I’m just thinking of how crazy it would be to have that hero on your super hero team. Like, you go to headquarters in the morning, and it seems like everything’s normal. But then you go to fire off a one liner, and they say it at the same time as you. And suddenly you know. Something went wrong.

And then one day you come in, and your heart drops as you see that their every move looks rehearsed. They answer questions before asked. They are totally aware of everything that’s about to happen. Imagine how scary that would be, realizing you’re starting a day that you’re team mate has failed to survive maybe dozens of times.

Sometimes he’ll walk up to you and just slap your sandwich out of your hand and say “don’t eat that” and you’re thinking, damn, what did that sandwich do to me? This was actually still the first time through the day, he just wanted to mess with you.

Majora’s Mask from everyone else’s perspective

(howdy! I just realized I’ve drawn a bunch of comics I haven’t reblogged over here so I’m gonna queue up a few. Sorry no undertale but mostly taz and this new game called  Bug Fables I got super into!!)

aroacezine: aroacezine: The wait is finally over! Thanks to all that contributed to this zine. Wit



The wait is finally over! Thanks to all that contributed to this zine. Without you this project would not have been possible.

Buy The AroAce Zine (2018) - EVERYONE NEEDS SOME SPACE on Gumroad from November 11 - January 1 at the following link:


All proceeds will be going to The Trevor Project!

Today is the last day to purchase the zine! You can snatch it up at the link above until tonight at 11:59AM PST.

Post link