#not a confession

secret-scrap-witch:She was emotionless and duller than him. She was his queen, and God help anyonesecret-scrap-witch:She was emotionless and duller than him. She was his queen, and God help anyone


She was emotionless and duller than him. She was his queen, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen

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vivziepop: zoophobianexus:“Waiting for ZP Reboot”-Meme Part 2 ( @vivziepop pls don’t hate me for t



“Waiting for ZP Reboot”-Meme Part 2

(@vivziepop pls don’t hate me for this ;A;)

I don’t hate you!!

But I am admittedly really sick of these memes and constant jokes about ZP. -Especially when they just spread false info. So I’m gonna lay down a few facts ^^ 

1.) I started ZP without a script, I did draft the comic’s first arc but after that I pretty much wrote it out in thumbs page by page as I went, which was fun and I learned a lot, but in reality the narrative of ZP is -HUGE! As I’ve stated it’s like a 10 book series, and the 200+ page comic I had been working on wasn’t even halfway through book one! (Which book one was one of the longer ones but still) ZP is a huge narrative story that requires a great deal more thought and writing to properly iron out and condense. As I worked on that and developed as a storyteller that started to become clearer and clearer to me!

2.) I put ZP on hiatus because I was in college and I had to work on my thesis, when I graduated I wanted to expand my animation skill as it was my major and I wanted to get a job/be successful in my field. The webcomic wasn’t making me enough to live on at that time.

3.) The fandom and audience of the comic became a bit toxic and was killing my enjoyment of my own creation, it started to feel stolen from me -on top of the fact I was wanting to better the comic for my own reasons which I have stated before! I didn’t want to lose all interest or passion for it.

4.) I still adore ZP! It’s a story full of characters I still love and think about from time to time, but I know to properly tell the story I need to direct energy to writing it out in full before going back in to work on it as a comic. Which is why I announced that I would be EVENTUALLY rebooting the comic.

5.) I have done some development of ideas for the reboot, but I have stated MANY many times that I am not actually working ON the reboot. I never once said I would be immediately rebooting that was literally NEVER a thing, so It gets frustrating that people assume it was my immediate goal and focus -Then I just dipped to make Hazbin? -what? No.

6.) the entire point of ending the comic PENDING an eventual reboot was so that I could focus on other stories and projects. I love zp and will go back to it someday, but while growing as an artist I have come up with countless more stories and concepts that I not only love just as much, but have far more structured narratives, and have a ton of ideas I am proud of and excited for! I don’t understand this pitting stuff like Hazbin against ZP, they are cut from the same cloth. 

7.) why is there such a negative reaction to a creator of a barely started webcomic moving on to make a practically professional indie animated show. How is that such a bad thing? It’s been years since there has been any ZP content, I don’t understand.

8.) All that said, I DO appreciate everyone who loved zp the way they did, honestly it’s unreal to me how much those characters connected with you guys, trust me I love them and want to bring them back too, but I am an animator, wanting to create my own animated projects. That is my career and my passion, I love making comics but when I go back to them it will be after I have made my mark on the animation industry first.

9.) Who knows maybe there will be an animated zp project someday, just be patient. Love ZP, but please stop acting like I just dipped off cuz I was bored, or didn’t care, or making my decisions into a big joke or pitting my characters and stories against each other. It’s lame, and I’m just a bit tired of seeing it. I can’t make anyone stop, but it’s been like almost every joke I see made, doesn’t that get old anyway?

10.) I don’t know if these were all facts or just points, but heres a real fact -I like furbies!

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Guess what came out today?? <3333

From the YT description: 


Hey everyone, Mod Angel here! It’s been a while, huh? Thought it’d be a good time to offer some sort of update (in the form of posting Viv’s update, heh). 

For those curious about the blog, us mods are currently discussing things. Most likely, we’ll revamp the blog to be Hazbin Hotel oriented, though confessions concerning Viv’s other projects may still be applicable here. Such changes would be made once the first episode of Hazbin Hotel is officially released, but again, we’re mostly just talking about it now. 

So, to help tide you over, here’s the original teaser animatic from last year if you haven’t seen it yet:

Messy Zoophobia Ramble

From the YT description:

I get a TON of questions about ZP and I wanted to address some of them, I have been super busy and things have been hectic though so if I seem extra all over the place-that’s why! haha a BIG update is coming soon!

also a few things also I didn’t mention
People seem to think My patreon was for ZP, it never was, I had zp listed as one of the things I was working on, but patrons were aware it wasn’t my focus and were still given ZP content. I have updated my Patreon listings since the decision! I still do ZP related content, but my patreon has never been for the comic itself.

If the video is too long, here is also the post I made before!

Zoophobia is being put on hold, pending a complete reboot.

why is it being rebooted?

Very simple! I’m no longer happy with how the comic is. I could say the environment around the comic stopped being fun, people started finding every possible flaw and it started to reflect on how I personally saw things, I can’t look at it without cringing at all the mistakes and holes, and just how messy things are. I jumped into the comic without any experience, and without a conventional structure or the proper thought for such a huge story.

The early pages though are special, I TRULY was enjoying working on the comic at the start, its a story that matters so much, and still does. Those early pages were made with love, but overtime I just let too much negativity in, and now I just want to recapture that love again.

How can I do that? Give it a rest, and re-imagine things, develop it, write things out, plan and use my current skills to better it. I already am having a TON more fun thinking about the changes I can make, and how much better I can execute my original vision with my current skills.

I’m not remaking it to just improve the art, or the style, when it returns EVERYTHING will be improved. Writing, story, structure, flow, focus, the art is just a plus. But don’t worry, some things will be very similar, just much better told!

When will it return?

That I can’t say, right now I have a TON of things in the works, including Pilots, and films. The comic is being shelved until I have the energy to return to it, but in the meantime I plan on doing lots of concept art for the reboot, which will appear as prints/speed draws as well as exclusive Patreon content going into the future. So if you REALLY want to see glimpses of how the reboot is being conceptualized, feel free to check out my patreon entering into 2017!


I’m bad at Communication on social media, I have had so much going on that I kind of let accounts and logins get lost and just neglected a lot, which I’m honestly sorry for. But I want to better clear some things up that I’m getting asked and even attacked over pretty often now.

Zoophobia is being put on hold, pending a complete reboot.

why is it being rebooted?

Very simple! I’m no longer happy with how the comic is. I could say the environment around the comic stopped being fun, people started finding every possible flaw and it started to reflect on how I personally saw things, I can’t look at it without cringing at all the mistakes and holes, and just how messy things are. I jumped into the comic without any experience, and without a conventional structure or the proper thought for such a huge story.

The early pages though are special, I TRULY was enjoying working on the comic at the start, its a story that matters so much, and still does. Those early pages were made with love, but overtime I just let too much negativity in, and now I just want to recapture that love again.

How can I do that? Give it a rest, and re-imagine things, develop it, write things out, plan and use my current skills to better it. I already am having a TON more fun thinking about the changes I can make, and how much better I can execute my original vision with my current skills.

I’m not remaking it to just improve the art, or the style, when it returns EVERYTHING will be improved. Writing, story, structure, flow, focus, the art is just a plus. But don’t worry, some things will be very similar, just much better told!

When will it return?

That I can’t say, right now I have a TON of things in the works, including Pilots, and films. The comic is being shelved until I have the energy to return to it, but in the meantime I plan on doing lots of concept art for the reboot, which will appear as prints/speed draws as well as exclusive Patreon content going into the future. So if you REALLY want to see glimpses of how the reboot is being conceptualized, feel free to check out my patreon entering into 2017!

Why did I privatize my tumblrs and DA?

Another simple answer. I am slowly trying to close down my social media accounts.

I have found that the stresses online are just too much for me, so I am sticking to two outlets for now, Youtube and twitter.

Even twitter is sometimes kind of stressful, I tend to wear my heart pretty on my sleeve, and that’s something people take advantage of.

I don’t want to DELETE my accounts though, a lot of memories are in these, and a lot of old stored art I don’t want to lose, so for now I just privatized everything I could, until I have the time to clear them out and maybe restart. I didn’t think it would be a big deal as most of my accounts have been inactive for-MONTHS.

But apparently it’s upset and angered a good bunch, so there’s the explanation.

It wasn’t malicious, it wasn’t to hide anything, I’m just tired of having everything out there, I’m wanting to be a more offline figure, I can’t handle the pressure or harassment I get pretty regularly.

I might sill try to check here for anything the community that supports me does, I love seeing the creativity and kindness of you guys who like my work, I just can’t really handle having a lot of online presence anymore. But i’ll try to reblog the amazing stuff you do when I can <3

I hope this clears up some big questions, and I hope you guys can respect my actions, I’m sorry for not being more informative, I really just didn’t think it was a big deal, and I have been going through a whole lot this year.

I’m sorry.

Hey guys, Mod Angel here! 

I understand it’s been a little while since the blog has updated. I’m not sure about the other mods, but I’ve personally been pretty busy with a lot of things. I’ve also been waiting around to see what Viv’s plans are for the Zoophobia comic. 

For those of you who don’t know (and a quick look through @zoophobiacomic will confirm this), Viv is planning on totally rebooting the comic. Same characters, same story, just updated art and execution. I think she’s still going to finish this arc before she reboots, but I’m not 100% sure at the moment. 

The big question is how will this effect the confessions blog? Well, I think for now the easiest thing to do would be to officially go on hiatus. Since Viv stated she’s working a heavy freelance job until sometime in February, we’ll likely be on hiatus until then at LEAST. 

Concerning what’ll happen once the reboot actually hits, no one’s sure yet. You can keep an eye out for more updates on the subject! Decisions will be made as things develop. 

Thank you all for your patience! Have a happy, safe Halloween if you celebrate it! 

~ Mod Angel

naamikaze:sooo. today’s naruto_69min prompt was uchiha and i was too lazy to rly draw them all mysel


sooo. today’s naruto_69min prompt was uchiha and i was too lazy to rly draw them all myself. threw in indra bc hes like. the original uchiha B-)

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If I see one more sasusaku post tagged with fugaku uchiha, mikoto uchiha or fugamiko I swear to Kami I am gonna throw hands.
