#not a prompt










-RealisticFiction (there are two, sorry lol) 



age groups 

-Middle grade 


- Adult/new adult (tumblr won’t fucking let me I’m sorry guys, we’ll try to get it fixed lol) 

types of prompts 

-dialogue prompts 

-writing prompts 

-three set prompts (only tag we will be using for these ones from now on! We’ve had 2 for a while? not sure why lol) 





-not a prompt 

-sunday share 

-sunday sparks 

-top posts 

holiday/special occasion 


this may be edited with tags being added or taken away. (Last edited 08.25.202009.21.2020). If you would like to request a tag (whether it’s something we haven’t done before or a filter you would like us to use) drop it in our asks! 

This post is available on our page as a quick link 

- Sparks Staff 

turns out there were five prompts in the inbox that i felt like didn’t violate my content rules. first one’ll be posting in like 20 minutes and after that there’ll be no more posts unless i decide for some reason to come back

thank you all for following this blog

i don’t think anyone follows For me but my main blog is @bpdalfonse, i mostly post about video games these days. and thanks again for the fun couple of years i spent running this blog

so. it’s been a while. about 9 months, if the date on the last post here is right.

i feel like i should just outright say it. the blog’s dead. it’s dead, it’s not likely coming back, i maintained it for a surprisingly long time but i got burned out. the writing was kind of on the wall for this, there were months with so little new prompts, i wasn’t coming up with many to fill in the gaps, etc.

the blog itself is staying up, and i’m going to be going through the inbox to add the couple of prompts that are sitting in there to the queue officially (provided they don’t break my Content Rules) but after that, that’s it. blog’s done

the discord server will also be staying up, for what that’s worth (the discord server is also largely dead)

sorry to only come back to post this, but i felt like the blog needed some sort of Official Closing Message, so… shrugs
