#not a screenshot


thanks for +1000 followers :3


Gracias por los +1000 seguidores :3

I thought this song would go well with this scene :c

(Not in English, but the video is still understandable )


Creí que esta canción iría bien con esta escena :c



Just like a quick reminder for everyone here; I dont like Anti ANYTHING and im a full ass adult who isnt here to start fights if i see interaction of hate on any character or ship i will block on sight. I mean that. Im 21 and have been in the fandom culture for years ive had my share of ship wars and death threats over this crap and i just wanna enjoy fun pictures of my comfort characters. I love every single character and basically ship everyone together in some way. I wont deal with blatant negative interaction so please feel free to just ignore my content im here to share a passion i dont care if i loose followers or reblogs for staying comfortable, so be it.

I love these movies with a passion and i will not stand hatred on my blog.

Thank you.

I want to specify that you can DISLIKE a ship or character thats your business, but please dont use the content i post to talk about it and especially dont change my shots to remove the original layout, its not movie but if you wanna take that screenshot please by all means make your own content i just dont appreciate it being edited from mine and interactive with my original posts. Thank you.

Once again gonna reiterate this because im deeply uncomfortable with anyone using my content and reblogging it with anti mal, anti bal etc, to each their own thats fine but leave my page, Mal is a massive comfort character and so is ben as is the relationship in the movies. My opinions and what i tag are mine and thats what i want apparent. Again im not coming for your personal thoughts of the content but find another blog to go to for the movies screenshots if you are going to post ANYTHING anti of these or any other characters and ship.

Tldr; If you dont like something thats fine but dont use my content to express that nor edit it. Just move on to another resource for it and leave my blog ALONE.

P.S. if your blocked its because i blocklist the tags # anti mal # anti bal because they trigger me and i cant for my own mental health handle seeing that content not because you’re a bad person.

I look away for five seconds and here we are!!!

Thank you to all who follow us! We will be setting up some kind of giveaway/ celebration for this in the next couple of days, so keep your eyes peeled!

That means more screenshots!
