#not as the son of so and so



gimli x legolas is so good because its like. its about finding hope and love in the darkest times and places, its about the inherent tragedy of falling for a mortal when you yourself are not, but its worth it, its about the parallels with beren and luthien, its about having the most important person in your life be another unmarried man, so much so that you break all the rules of reality to go to heaven together in a book published in the 50s, its about cultural sharing and overcoming prejudice and opening doors and making better choices than your ancestors. and its also about braiding each others hair and feeling really weird bc your companion wont stop brushing up against you when you ride a horse together. 

Yes, exactly! Tolkien might not have known he was writing an epic gay romance, but boy did that not stop him from doing it. They’re forever my lotr otp.
