#not based on what they can produce or consume





idk call me radical or crazy or whatever but people shouldn’t need a reason to care about human lives 

all these posts like “if you listen to kpop / if you like anime / if you watch cdramas you should care about what’s happening right now” are SO tone deaf and weird. people, especially elders, are being attacked and murdered because of their race. that is why you should care. because human lives are being taken and it is wrong.an entire continent and its people should not be reduced to the commodities and entertainment they give to you for you to care about our lives. you should care about us because we’re human beings 

ON TOP OF THAT that rhetoric is turning everyone’s attention to only east asians. yes, east asians are facing increased hatecrimes and racism. but so are south asians. so are north asians. so are west asians. so are pacific islanders. it’s so weird to focus your “activism” on the one group that you deem entertaining or whatever 

go here to donate to atlanta’s chapter of asian americans advancing justice/here’s a twitter thread of donation links
