#not good omens but has sort of the same flavor





Wake up lovelies, new True Form Aziraphale and Crowley just dropped

(Where “just” stands for XIV century)

@on-stardust-wings i am currently working in France, and I was visiting the Anger castle! It’s a series of tapestries inspired by the Apocalypse, and those are supposed to be, I believe, the Beast of the Apocalypse and … another Beast??? I THINK it’s supposed to be the Kingdoms of Earth being called to war by the Kingdoms of Earth (seven heads with 10 horns is apparently the Mark of the Beast whose number is 666) but eeeeeeh I am not sure.

It’s an Apocalypse tapestry with a red serpentine creature and a white lion one, good enough for me

I thiiiiiink (correct me anyone if I am wrong) those are either

1. The two beasts mentioned? One is the Antichrist, the other is supposed to go around telling everyone how awesome the Antichrist is and that people should go worship him and wear his mark

2. The red dragon is supposed to be Satan? Who gets dropkicked by Michael at the end of it all


a piece of sheet music titled 'Temptation of crepe'ALT

this was either composed for aziraphale or by aziraphale
