#not hairy durance tho



“Sooo Edér…” he wanted to start a converstaion with his companion instead of sitting in silent. “What’s about you and Orlans?”

Man with a straw-colored hair tried to avoid his glare, but when their eyes met at one point he was only able to sight deeply. He rolled his eyes and sat next to the pale elf, still trying to look really over the topic of this conversation, even though it doesn’t started yet.

“Why are you so curious about that?”

“Well, I’ve heard your opinion on that topic soooo many times. I thought that it would be suitable to just ask you directly about it.” His voice was really nice, even a bit soothing to be fair. At least  Edér  thought about it in that way.

They both remained silent for a few seconds, just to collect thoughts. Rest of the camp was doing their own things. Aloth was reading his grimoire, preparing spells for the next upcoming battle. Pallegina and Durance were arguing about gods and their place in the universe. Maneha on the other hand wasn’t there. Maybe she went hunting or something else. The point was that Basmir’s eyes were not able to find her at this moment.

“Listen.”  Edér murmurs to his companion, trying to get back on a track with previous topic. “I know that I might seem a bit racist or else but you know… it’s not like that.”

“Oh I know!” Basmir laughed really hard, focusing attention of others on himself. “You just like fur, am I right?”

Edér blushed immediately, his face all red. He tried to clean his throat by coughing several times, but it doesn’t helped him at all.

“As I said, it’s not like that.” He continued.


“Really. Can we change the topic?”

“Choose something. I’m open to suggestions.” Basmir really wanted to spend his free time by getting to know his crew better. They might have been adventuring together for some time, but between fights, missions and all of those mystery plots they weren’t able to spend time together. Just like that, like they were doing it right now.

When ranger looked at his fellow, he was able to see how the mechanisms in his head moved to the rythm of his thought process. It was kind a funny to look at.

Edér’s eyes were partially closed, his lips made into a thin line and nostrals open really wide, just to inhale more and more fresh air from the forest nearby. When he was ready to speak up, he patted his companion on his arm. Just to get his attention. 

“Soooo I was thinking…” he started, his voice a bit hesitant. “We can talk about St. Waidwen or Eothas, but I suppose it’s the same. Also I have a question about your bear companion, Bommwar.”

“Shoot.” Basmir didn’t hesitate. He wanted to give him all the answers he might wanted to get. Also it was a bit pointless to be mysterious at this point of the journey. One way or another they would get all the answers. It just was better to give them on the proper terms.

“How did you do that?”

“What do you mean?”

“How it works?” Edér still wasn’t blunt enough. He just pointed with his finger to the bear which was laying near to the fireplace, probably sleeping.

“You mean our bond, right?”

“Yeah! That’s what I meant” he blushed again, but this time it was more pleasant and less awkward. At least for Edér.

“To be fair, I’m still not able to answer this question in a unambiguous way. One day I was hunting. And as far as you probalby know, hunting is one of the main ways to keep us alive in the White that Wends. We don’t grow crops, and the lands are not full of plants. There’s mostly ice and some more ice.”

“I see, but you said that you’re a merchant, am I right?”

“Yes, I will get to that.” pale elf slightly sighted and rolled his eyes a bit. After that he was able to get back to his story. “As I said, where I come from is not a hospitable place. During one of the hunts I came across a bear cub. All brown with big black beady eyes and wet fur. My first instinct was to kill it, just as another animal in the wild and prepare a meal. But those eyes… Those were watching my every move.”

“And what’s next?”

“Next thing I remember was that I was carrying this motherfucking cub in my arms to the camp. I’ve took care of it and now look at as. We’re acting like old pals, me and this fat bear.” He chuckled and shaked his head in disbelieve while his eyes were watching a sleeping bear.

Edér joined him both in the laughter and observation. He was really consumed by the whole story about little cub and his rescuer. Also his need to pet everything that was furry enough just raised sooo much. He couldn’t help himself.

“I have to ask you the same question that I asked Sagani before…”

“Yes? What’s going on?”

“May I… Can I…” Edér felt his dry throat, but he couldn’t resist the need so he pushed himself further. “Can I pet him?” 

“Sure.” the elf replied, but soon after he added “But you know… It might be easier to find a less ferocious animal to pet.”

“You have something on mind?”

“Someone, not something…”

“If you’re trying to trick me to pet Hiravias…” Edér again became all red in a split second. Before he  was able to add something more, Basmir hushed him by putting his own finger to his lips.

“Actually I was thinking about Durance. Did you know that this motherfucker is hairy as fuck?”

“And you’re gross as fuck…” Edér opened his eyes really wide and then he spat on the ground before him.

That was the moment when he decided that continuing a chat with the Watcher might not be the best idea for now. Especially becasue this pale elf was laughing his ass off since he made this stupid joke about petting Durance. Also,  Edér was trying to remove the image of this thing out of his mind. He wasn’t even sure why this appeared there in the first place.

Eothas be damned… 

Elves be damned…

Damn you Watcher!

His mind was pretty much occupied with the need to get rid of similar thoughts. Mostly those about hairy Durance. Hairy, stinky, dirty Durance… For fuck sake! That was the moment when he began to evaluate his friendship with the Watcher. He liked that elf, he really did. But the ranger had even more gruesome and black humor than he did. And that was something really fucked up. At least in his opinion.

Okay, first of all - English is not my native language, so I’m sooooo sorry for every and each miastake I made in this fic. I can promise to try to get better. Also big thanks to @kauriart - I’ve wrote this fic mostly ‘cause of you. And I can’t thank you enought for that. Also-also big thanks to my girl - @vicdin. You were always believing in me and this is the fic I promissed you a few days ago. I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I did by just writing it.

Also this is the very first time when I publish my own fic. Be kind! ^^’
