#not meta



Snape’s death ☠️





Rpg Idea Blogs Roll Call

In these trying times of the Tumblocalypse, we gotta stick together.

With that said, who’s still kickin?

Still here, just exhausted. Hopefully will have more content once my Theatre of Adventure campaign begins.

Still here. Sorry I haven’t been active! But I went to my local museum’s steampunk exhibit so that might help with inspiration here 

I mean, I’m sorta here, but it’s mostly just rpg stuff rather than ideas

I exist

soul-hammer:clayandsorcery:corporationsarepeople: @amillennialdog on twitter: The DHS posted a 1soul-hammer:clayandsorcery:corporationsarepeople: @amillennialdog on twitter: The DHS posted a 1soul-hammer:clayandsorcery:corporationsarepeople: @amillennialdog on twitter: The DHS posted a 1soul-hammer:clayandsorcery:corporationsarepeople: @amillennialdog on twitter: The DHS posted a 1soul-hammer:clayandsorcery:corporationsarepeople: @amillennialdog on twitter: The DHS posted a 1




@amillennialdog on twitter: The DHS posted a 14-word headline that started with “we must secure” holy absolute fuck

With a link to the site. Can confirm: https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/we-must-secure-border-and-build-wall-make-america-safe-again

update:so at least one guy in the higher up dhs echelons has been outed as a white supremacist lmao

reblogging to inform my american followers

Post link






Man though you know what makes me sorta sad is when nerdy, “quiet” kids latch on to me during camp and they just talk and talk and talkabout a thing they’re into (Skyrim, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, dinosaurs, whatever). And I see the kids just light up when they say something and I can chime in with an ‘oh hey, are you talking about [x]? I love that thing! Tell me more about it.’

Like, their parents will warn me ‘so-and-so is pretty quiet and hard to engage’ but no, man, just listen, your kid is so smart and so into This Thing, they’ll engage like fuck and talk your damn ear off it you let them. Frame it in their damn terms. Or! Just! Listen to them about their Thing! And they will engage with the rest of the material! Because they know you care about them! Amazing!!!

Quiet kids are usually that way because either no one listens, or there is always someone more dominant speaking wise in their group that always talks over them and then they give up. Some quiet kids are starved for attention and really really want to talk, but don’t always get the chance to

Everyone who reblogged this are good people. Bless you, this made me happy to read


this reminds me of my favourite comic ever:

Posting as a screenshot bc they accidentally DMed me instead of sending an ask
