#not that traditional cult dont exist anymore





I keep seeing people talk about the “oncoming cult boom” like we haven’t been here for like three years.

Here’s a fun game:

Go onto incognito mode and start a fresh account ok the social media website of your choice. When it asks you about your interests, pick “health and wellness” and/or the religion of your choice and fill the rest in with whatever you like. See how long it takes the algorithm to give you straight up cult recruitment videos.

When I tried this on TikTok I got some in under 30 seconds.

this is important information but i also feel like a lot of people aren’t really able to identify cult-produced media on their own. here is a (non comprehensive) list of red flags for this:

  • presenting an image of a wholesome, good, unified in-group while simultaneously presenting the out-group as shameful, dirty, or evil
  • presenting the narrative “i would be dead if i didn’t join X”
  • bragging about adhering to high-control rules, such as restriction of sleeping, eating, or ability to leave
  • heavy emphasis placed on “retreats,” aka trauma bonding or brainwashing members en masse in a secluded area
  • spiritual leader (typically a living person, or often in the case of older cults, a board of directors) presented as an infalliable extension of god
  • “comfort zones” and similar concepts presented as an inherently bad thing that you need to overcome
  • constant recruitment efforts
  • public faces of the organization are typically extremely extroverted and physically abled, and there’s a spoken or unspoken shame placed on the group members who don’t resemble this
  • there is an ex-member community that insists the group should be acknowledged as a cult (search for “ex-[group name]” or “[group name] abuse” to find relevant online pages)

An important point, that I think should be made in that more recent cult often don’t have 1 spiritual leader, it can also either be a group or even peer pressure where everyone is pressure everyone into observing each others.

I think it’s important to talk about it because a lot of people get suspicious and then brush it off because their is no leader.
