#not zutara

whateveresto: Here is my shit tiefling again She’s a Pact of the Chain warlock whose favourite hobbi


Here is my shit tiefling again

She’s a Pact of the Chain warlock whose favourite hobbies include gambling, eating grasshoppers and creeping people out for fun.

Other tieflings tried to blend in with the human population and hide their demonic features, but she saw this as a sign of cowardice and submission. Instead, she chose to call herself Devilla and emphasize these features, and respond to insults with defiance and retaliation. 

When the guards started throwing the nonhumans out of the city, she swore revenge. They accused her of talking to demons, of using dark magic - so that was exactly what she decided to do. She went looking for a demon, and found him, and made a deal with him.

Now they have a reason to be afraid of her.

Post link


Draw an elemental bender—based on an element from the periodic table.


- Argon is an odorless, colorless, non-toxic gas present in large quantities in the air

- It’s one of the most stable elements and because of this, argon atmospheres are used in industry to stop dangerous stuff blowing up

- Argon benders make the strongest shields and also wards that weaken other kinds of bending

- literally it’s impossible to break their shields

- They don’t have much in the way of offensive power and must rely on hand-to-hand

- A good one to have in your team


Calling writeblr mutuals and followers!

I’ve gone and entered a writing comp— despite the 4 month old making actual writing properly hard. For real, you’re more likely to see Big Foot than me writing these days. But here it is, fresh from its foggy, mythological genesis: The Curse of the Cold Cook! 2,500 words about white guilt, colonialism, owls, and curses…. Set in a funeral parlour. Did you know morticians used to be called “cold cooks” as slang? I didn’t! Thanks, Google.

Now this comp has a panel of judges BUT in the event that the judges tie in their scoring, they look to engagement as a tie breaker. On the Vocal platform that means reads and hearts.

If you have a spare moment or two, I’d be chuffed if you could visit the link (thereby giving the story a “read”) and hit the heart button <3

Zutara folk!

I’m putting out the call: If I’ve ever made you keyboard smash with Rumour Has It or type an aggressively supportive comment through tears (my fav kind btw) with The Balcony Story or yell “NOT MOMO YOU MONSTER” with Mending Wounds or any of my fics really… can I count on your help with something?

I’ve gone and entered an original short story writing comp— despite the 4 month old milk goblin baby making actual writing properly hard. For real, you’re more likely to see Big Foot than me writing these days. But here it is, fresh from its foggy, mythological genesis: The Curse of the Cold Cook! 2,500 words about white guilt, colonialism, owls, and curses…. Set in a funeral parlour. Did you know morticians used to have a slang name? “Cold cooks.” I didn’t! Thanks, Google.

Now this comp has a panel of judges BUT in the event that the judges tie in their scoring, they look to engagement as a tie breaker. On the Vocal platform that means reads and hearts.

If you have a spare moment or two, I’d be chuffed if you could visit the link, have a wee read, and hit the heart button <3 to boost the story’s stats! Incidentally, reads, hearts, and subscribers also allow me to earn actual dollars for my writing— completely free to you! Now that I’m muming and not working, every little bit counts, and it will be novel to be paid to write OG stories after over 300,000 words of fanfic!

Thanks to all who can help out, my wordy brain is super grateful!



Calling writeblr mutuals and followers!

I’ve gone and entered a writing comp— despite the 4 month old making actual writing properly hard. For real, you’re more likely to see Big Foot than me writing these days. But here it is, fresh from its foggy, mythological genesis: The Curse of the Cold Cook! 2,500 words about white guilt, colonialism, owls, and curses…. Set in a funeral parlour. Did you know morticians used to be called “cold cooks” as slang? I didn’t! Thanks, Google.

Now this comp has a panel of judges BUT in the event that the judges tie in their scoring, they look to engagement as a tie breaker. On the Vocal platform that means reads and hearts.

If you have a spare moment or two, I’d be chuffed if you could visit the link (thereby giving the story a “read”) and hit the heart button <3

Zutara folk!

I’m putting out the call: If I’ve ever made you keyboard smash with Rumour Has It or type an aggressively supportive comment through tears (my fav kind btw) with The Balcony Story or yell “NOT MOMO YOU MONSTER” with Mending Wounds or any of my fics really… can I count on your help with something?

I’ve gone and entered an original short story writing comp— despite the 4 month old milk goblin baby making actual writing properly hard. For real, you’re more likely to see Big Foot than me writing these days. But here it is, fresh from its foggy, mythological genesis: The Curse of the Cold Cook! 2,500 words about white guilt, colonialism, owls, and curses…. Set in a funeral parlour. Did you know morticians used to have a slang name? “Cold cooks.” I didn’t! Thanks, Google.

Now this comp has a panel of judges BUT in the event that the judges tie in their scoring, they look to engagement as a tie breaker. On the Vocal platform that means reads and hearts.

If you have a spare moment or two, I’d be chuffed if you could visit the link, have a wee read, and hit the heart button <3 to boost the story’s stats! Incidentally, reads, hearts, and subscribers also allow me to earn actual dollars for my writing— completely free to you! Now that I’m muming and not working, every little bit counts, and it will be novel to be paid to write OG stories after over 300,000 words of fanfic!

Thanks to all who can help out, my wordy brain is super grateful!
