#nothing about this is new



always fun to force someone to learn against their will what Bort did to everything they liked about original Naruto

Oh there’s nothing new/recent. I too try to avoid learning things about Bort, because of everything I already know, which is already too much. But the basic issue is part of the overarching problem with lazy, badly written sequels, which is lazy and at times incoherent repetition of things from the first version of the show.

Haha isn’t it funny if [2nd gen character] is just like [1st gen character]? And [1st gen character] parents them just like [1st gen character’s parents] did? Isn’t it great and not at all lazy writing that cheaply trades on recognition?

So in this particular case:

Shikadai thinks his mother is a drag and marriage is a woman-dominated nightmare! Haha, just like Shikamaru, get it??? GET IT??? We’re literally going to put them on the screen together JUST TO MAKE SURE YOU GET IT.

This is funny, right? You like this, because you liked the exact same joke on the previous show, RIGHT? It’s inconceivable that anything about society could have changed in the 20 years since the first Naruto manga debuted; surely everyone still agrees that women hitting their husbands and sons is just as funny as it has always been, and will always be! Certainly, we as the audience have zero right to expect Shikamaru and Temari to develop as people and make different choices than the choices previous generations made; what a ridiculous idea! Hurray and thank God, because otherwise writers would have to come up with new ideas!!!
