#nothing but a hole

objectd:Repeat after me… IT is nothing but a hole! IT is nothing but a hole! IT is nothing but a h


Repeat after me…

IT is nothing but a hole! IT is nothing but a hole! IT is nothing but a hole!

Do NOT treat IT like a family member… EVER AGAIN!

That is all the faggot would ever hear in its head for the rest of its useful service life. When the slave was first introduced to its new role in life, Master purchased two sets of wireless noise-canceling earbuds that could be charged and switched out from the slave’s ears. Master tasked one of his labor slaves with the job of switching out the earbuds the second that they were getting low with the other set that was charging. This ensured that all the faggot slave ever heard projected directly into its ears was that “It is nothing but a hole” on repeat forever punctuated by a few seconds of silence whenever the earbuds were changed out. After several months, this broke its mind and rendered only one coherent thought available to it. “It is nothing but a hole.” The slave will fulfill its only goal in life for a number of years before being retired at the end of a noose. Its last thoughts likely being “It is nothing…” before the darkness creeps in.  It lived to serve.

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