


It was pouring outside, so much so that even a carriage would get stuck should it try to move. Comte was generous enough to open up his liquor stores to Arthur and the rest of the residents, though after an hour or so of drinking, Arthur wouldn’t shut up, driving away all the other residents. Each bout was worse than the last. Here we join them, three hours in, with Arthur completely sloshed and Theo behind the bar still making him drinks.


“I bring worlds to life, characters that are beloved around the globe. Yet the only one anyone seems to know is that blasted detective! I wish to be rid of him! Forever! No one knows Arthur the poet, or the doctor, or the man who wrote science fiction. No, just old Sherlock.” Arthur sighed and took another gulp of his drink.

“I’m brilliant too. Can beat a man at any game. You’ve seen it Theo. But it didn’t do me any good in my life, nor is it doing me any good in this one. Why? Why have these gifts if they don’t do me any good? I’m still alone…. Was in my last life, still am now.”

He sighed dejectedly and finished his drink, motioning for another. “I chase skirts around all day long… but really…. Really…. I’m chasing away the ones who would hurt me. My heart is fragile enough as it is. I don’t think I’d survive a broken heart again. Not after….” His mind flitted to the young man that died asking for more Sherlock. Clutching his chest, he drank another mouthful, hoping to wash away the pain.

“Theo…. I don’t want to die alone again…. I don’t want to be alone for yet another lifetime….” His voice quivered, tears streaming down his face. “What good was any of it? I’m still alone in the end.”

Theo frowned, this was not his strong suit. Reaching over, he pat Arthur’s back, only for the bloke to pull him in for a hug, spilling his drink on him. “You klootzak!” Theo grumbled and pushed Arthur away. After cleaning up, Arthur looked as if he were about to pass out.

“Come on, let’s get you back to your room.” Theo mumbled and threw Arthur over his shoulder.

“I’m always alone…. So…. empty and alone….” Arthur slurred, but Theo understood.

Theo had chosen to be alone to further his brother’s career. Gruff exterior was just to keep the ladies away, same as Arthur’s flirting. Seems they weren’t that different after all. A soft sigh and a faint whisper, “You’re not alone Arthur.”

“Oh yeah? Vic doesn’t count…”

“Not your dog, you klootzak, me. You have me. And you always will.”

Arthur dozed off at that point. Whether he heard Theo or not, he’d never tell.

