


A slight but relatively unimportant update (or maybe very important to some, who knows) but I’ve changed the base prize for the raffle so that each of the five winners will at least be getting 18 USD worth of mog station items–this is partially due to the fact that I am in a much better place financially than the last time I hosted this event, but also because apparently the MAJORITY of outfits on there are 18 USD and I felt that was the most far to make sure a winner was able to get the coolest glam this side of Eorzea if they so wanted and also because I learned that trying to offer written prizes on TOP of taking part of the event is a big bad idea that I will never repeat again.

Also! I have scheduled a post for the official start of the event at midnight tonight central time–in roughly 2 hours 45 minutes from the posting of this post–so as soon as you guys see that on your dashboards, you are good to go with your creations and bingo sheets.

I hope that I get to see lots of awesome works from you all about your wols and self-inserts! :D

*slaps hands on table* For once in my life I will actually start AND finish a FFXIV writing event and I’m subjecting all of you to my OCs interspersed with my normal content, especially now that I’ve finished the 6.1 patch and have so much Yearning™️ for so many characters…

In hindsight it was great that I had the Wondrous Tails event start May 1st, because I JUST finished 6.1 last night and boy howdy do I have some Thots Thoughts™️ about the new alliance raids………


Though the prompts list was already fairly fleshed-out from the first iteration of Wondrous Tails event, I decided to re-organize and add some new ones, especially since the direction is less shipping-centric and more about FFXIV ocs and self-inserts in general!

On that note, I’ve separated the original SFW category into ‘solo’ and ‘shipping’, and I’ve also added a category that is specifically FFXIV-flavored!

Below is but a small snippet of prompts from that category. I like to think there is a lot of fun to be had in interpreting some of them… ;3

So if you haven’t already, please check out the bingo card template and the accompanying lists of prompts!

Participants of the Wondrous Tails of FFXIV event are welcome to build their bingo cards before the start date (May 1st), and please send questions here if you have any!

About the Event|FAQ|Rules|Bingo Card Template|AO3 Collection


There is a re-occurring quest of sorts in Final Fantasy XIV called ‘Wondrous Tails’, and it is given to you in Idyllshire by a young Miqo’te named Khloe Aliapoh. She gives you an empty journal and asks you to write down the stories of your past and future adventures so that she can share them with everyone she meets.

By re-completing past content, you can earn stickers in order to make lines across a card in a style similar to bingo, with each finished line netting all sorts of prizes once the journal is turned in.

In much the same way, ‘Wondrous Tails of FFXIV’ is a month-long event that utilizes a prompt-filled bingo card format to encourage fans tell the stories of their OCs and self-inserts in an environment with minimal restrictions and maximum possibilities.

It is open to both visualandwrittenmedia, and anyone that participates with at least one valid entry is entered for a raffle that takes place after the end of the event.

> The next iteration of Wondrous Tails of FFXIV will start on May 1st and end on June 6th! <

For more information about the event, start/end dates and whatnot, please check out the links found below!

About the Event|FAQ|Rules|Bingo Card Template|AO3 Collection


Yilin Raen

some kind of subsubspecies. it’s really just me wanting to put raen in hanfu

get ready this is rather messy

Keep reading

Me: *posts chapter of a fic* I sure am happy I don’t have to worry about that anymore!

Me, writing the next chapter and realizing I have to figure out what happens next: by zodiark this can’t be happening
