

1. How do you relax/destress

2. What have you learned from your parents

3. What cliche is really true

4. What’s your favorite book

5.  What helps you remember

6. Favorite study snack

7. Write a letter

8. Your favorite pun

9. Your favorite fact about space

10. Show your work

11. Fold some origami

12. Tell a story that always makes you feel better

13. Perform a  random act of kindness

14. Post a photo of your study space

15. Thank a teacher/professor

16. A bad habit that you’ve quit

17. Study outside (if the weather’s nice)

18. What you do to make studying more fun

19. Your study music

20. Something you find beautiful

21. Two truths and a lie

22. What you love about where you live

23. One fact about the Native American tribe that used to live on your land (or any tribe/indigenous people if you live outside the US)

24. One thing you’re grateful you already have

25. How do you think other people see you

26. Your handwriting

27. Your favorite thing about the internet

28. Donate/Volunteer

29. Treat yourself

30. Take the day off
