#now back to your regularly scheduled programming

dem mario boyz were suddenly suckerpunchin the ol dopamine center again yesterday, so here’s a fewwwdem mario boyz were suddenly suckerpunchin the ol dopamine center again yesterday, so here’s a fewwwdem mario boyz were suddenly suckerpunchin the ol dopamine center again yesterday, so here’s a fewww

dem mario boyz were suddenly suckerpunchin the ol dopamine center again yesterday, so here’s a fewww familiar faces from good ol’ Wii University.

Post link

I was just checking my spam email account to find a coupon code for something and I noticed that I had an email from instagram about an account I fully forgot I ever had.  It was a pro-anorexia account that I made when I was 13 years old and I just looked through it, it was so awful.  I’m so ashamed to have ever been a part of that community and to have ever encouraged eating disorders.  When I occasionally come across pro-ed blogs here, it’s always so upsetting and I so desperately wish that I could convince them that they don’t need to be doing this to themselves but I remember what it was like to be in that mindset and when people tell you that you don’t need to be starving yourself you just think “they don’t understand” 

I haven’t talked about my eating disorder in so long because I think I still don’t fully validate myself as having had one because I never really lost a significant amount of weight? which is so problematic and horrible

I know this isn’t the type of thing I normally post here, I just haven’t really thought about it in a long time so coming across that account was kind of shocking and I don’t really want to talk about it to anyone I know in real life so I’m talking about it here instead. most of you probably won’t read this and that’s totally fine, I just needed to get it off my chest

Saturday Six (Stuff)

  1. Busy week at work makes me glad I have self care Fridays, and don’t work weekends either.(。-ω-)ノ
  2. I got to hold a little baby, but not a human one…ヾ(●ω●)ノ.。o♡
  3. Still having trouble with the neck pain/migraine situation. It’s out of control.(¬д¬。)
  4. With all the rain we’ve had, my plants are really looking great.(❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
  5. No Farmer’s Market for me today. But the lady whose booth is next to mine has promised to message me, like she’s been doing all week since she’s found me on Messenger. So it’ll be almost like I’m there anyway.(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
  6. Getting dad what every dad wants for Father’s day tomorrow, a sandwich from Subway and a gift card from them too. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑