#now this is a hot take



The kind of people who insist their kinks are not kinks and are instead just non-sexual coping mechanisms have 1) no idea what kink is and 2) are so scared of being perverts that they’ll throw other people doing the exact same things as them under the bus in the hopes that it will save them.

Like sweetie I get that lying with your blanket in a dog cage & wearing a collar and leash makes you feel safe and comfy and cared for in a way that is transcendental and magical and not sexual in the way that most people would understand it. You’re still doing pet play. It’s still kink. Just because it helps you feel less depressed doesn’t make it playing a cutesy game of pretend for u but a perverted sex act for that other guy because those same feelings happen to give him a boner and he’s not afraid to say it.
