#now to draw the main villain and some mascots

Digital fullbody drawing, pale middle aged man with greying brown hair slicked back, handlebar mustache, black and dark blue dress shirt, vest, pants, shoes with spats, silver skull at neckALT
Digital fullbody drawing of muscular woman with pale skin, long scruffy black hair, black and dark purple outfit with tank top, vest, leggings, boots with spats, flexing, grinning, silver skull on armALT
Digital fullbody drawing of chubby nb person with pale skin, thin blond ponytail, black and dark green outfit, dress shirt, vest, pants, gloves, boots, holding up finger condescendinglyALT

[IDs in alt text!]

More stuff for Pirate PreCure, this time some villains! These are Avery Wraith (he/him), Mollie Haunt (she/her), and Lindsey Shade (they/them). They’re commodores working for the evil pirate hunting Phantom Storm Company, each with their own ship.
