


Oh so uh. I forgot to post here that I posted up 2/3 of the parts of a series for the Narutorun to 1k.

I figure my last truly tough day for a while is probably the best time to post the links here for:

“Team Gai Mixed Grill Shittalking Bros”

And “Depressed Gaara stares at Babies and tries to weigh duty against attraction”

Both fics are here and they were based off of asks received here in 2019. So… XDDDD


sagemoderocklee: The Allied Nations Saga: Honor Bound Prologue: The Serpent Strikes Part Two of Four


The Allied Nations Saga: Honor Bound
Prologue: The Serpent Strikes
Part Two of Four
Word Count: 790
Chapters: 1/27
Characters/Ships: Ensemble Cast, Multi-Ship

After the events of the Fourth Shinobi war, the Five Great Nations and Lesser Nations can begin to rebuild. The alliances forged during the war should make them stronger, the bonds created during such strife should be unbreakable. But there is more to alliances and treaties than mere friendship, and when peace threatens so much of the status quo will the alliances hold? Will bonds of friendship and trust pass the test? Can the tides change and the cycles of violence be undone? And how will the banded-together nations fight against the foes they couldn’t defeat at the end of the final battle?

And here we are at year’s end or year’s beginning, because I meant to post this just before midnight and instead it was like a minute after.

For those who know me and know this series, I am sure this sequel has been long-awaited. For those who don’t, I promise you will understand nothing of this story if you don’t read the first part, Alliance

I decided that, eleven + half years after starting Alliance and three years to the day when I finally posted the last chapter of Alliance, I would finally finally post the prologue of the sequel (which has been written for at least the last five years). The Naruto-Run to One-K ( @puregaaleeand@gaalee-events) is honestly the only reason I decided to do this. So much of me still wants to go back over and re-edit Alliance, especially now after years of working on other fics and refining my view of the Naruto world even further. I’m hoping to do that before posting more of this, but in the spirit of this event–once again–I am just throwing caution to the Wind (get it, Wind. Wind Country) and posting. This fic is planned in full, the first three chapters are written, but there is a lot more work to be done, so hopefully in posting this I can motivate myself to really get back to working on this series.

Despite the many other novel length fics I have, Alliance is still my baby and I don’t want to leave the Saga incomplete. I hope everyone who’s awaited this sequel is excited to see it finally here! And I hope that whoever decides to read the 271k words that comprises Alliances finds it well worth the journey and will join me as I continue this series.

Happy new year, y’all!

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And that’s my final submission for @puregaaleeand@gaalee-events Naruto-Run to One-K event! What a race! Thank you so much for hosting yet another amazing event!


For@munofsilver’s belated birthday and as a last-minute submission for @puregaalee@gaalee-events Naruto-Run to One-K, here’s a silly little fluff bomb to round out 2021!

Title:The Best Present (is Your Presence)



Warnings:No Archive Warnings Apply

Relationships: Gaara/Rock Lee, Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai, Background NejiTen

Characters: Rock Lee, Gaara, Team Gai

Additional Tags: Fluff, Anniversary, Established Relationship


With his and Gaara’s anniversary fast approaching and at a loss for what gift to buy, Lee turns to his teacher and teammates for assistance. To his dismay, their advice is more hindrance than help.

Read ‘The Best Present (is Your Presence)’ here on Ao3!


Here’s the first 2 chapters of some modern AU angst for @puregaalee@gaalee-events Naruto-Run to One-K.

Title:i know exactly what to do (but i wouldn’t do it for you)



Warnings:Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, add'l warnings in tags

Relationships: Gaara/Rock Lee

Characters: Rock Lee, Maito Gai, Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Tsunade, Gaara

Additional Tags: Modern AU, Foster Care, Institutional Care, Childhood Trauma, Orphans, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Healing (Slowly)


“It’s hard work, working with stars. You can’t touch them or hold them in your hands, and you can only see them some of the time, with a lot of effort.” Mama laughs very quietly. “And you need to know a lot of math.”

Lee’s nose wrinkles. Math is his best subject, but he doesn’t really like it very much.

A story in ceilings.

Read ‘i know exactly what to do (but i wouldn’t do it for you)’ here on Ao3!


Akuma’s duties as an Anbu involves protection, being a confidant, and keeping Gaara’s secrets. He’s not paid to ask, just to know… he just doesn’t know why that damn Leaf comes around so much.

Posted a fic for the GaaLee run to 1k!


sagemoderocklee: The Eagle’s Augury by Luna_Lee
Prologue: What Dreams May Come
Fandom: Naruto


The Eagle’s Augury by Luna_Lee
Prologue: What Dreams May Come
Fandom: Naruto
Ships: GaaLee, ShikaTema, NejiTen, TBA
Chapters: 1/18
Words: 758
Status: WIP
Temari and Shikamaru’s wedding approaches, bringing a joyous chaos to the Kazekage household. However, as the wedding draws near, Gaara is burdened with a distressing warning he hasn’t the ability to decipher and isn’t willing to share. His sister has more important things to worry about, Shikamaru is overwhelmed by a household overrun with his Konoha friends, and Kankur is doing everything in his power to win over any one of the women now residing in their house while avoiding Temari’s wrath.
No, Gaara has no desire to share this with anyone until one day, Rock Lee bears witness to the strange and unexplained circumstances that Gaara has found himself caught up in.
Another one for the Naruto-Run to One-K hosted by @gaalee-events and @puregaalee! Even though the goal was reached, I’m still going to post the last few fics I’d planned on posting for this event because why not!

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@goblinpaws sorry I missed your birthday so bad. I hope you like this very dumb thing. Calling this a @puregaalee@gaalee-events Naruto-Run to One-K submission too, since it’s not quite the end of the year.

Title:Shopping is a Full-Contact Sport



Warnings:No Archive Warnings Apply

Relationships: Gaara/Rock Lee

Characters: Gaara, Rock Lee

Additional Tags: Modern AU, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Bliss, Shopping Malls


Gaara hates shopping. He hates getting dragged to the mall even more. He hates noise, and crowds, and people bumping into him. The only thing he doesn’t hate is Lee.

Read ‘Shopping is a Full-Contact Sport’ here on Ao3!

ghoste-catte:puregaalee: A Golden Opportunity by Whazzername If anyone had told Gaara a few months a



A Golden Opportunity by Whazzername

If anyone had told Gaara a few months ago that he would be willingly waking up at 5am to watch a sports event, he would have laughed in their face. Yet here he was, the bags under his eyes darker than they’d ever been, but thrumming with anticipation.

Congratulations to Whazzername and the GaaLee fandom for reaching 1000 fics! The Naruto-Run to One-K has been a resounding success and there are still TWO DAYS LEFT! Who says we have to stop at 1,000 fics!?!?

Let’s keep that fountain of youth springing eternal and see just how many more fics we can get before the end of the year!

(A final event wrap up will be posted on the 1st of January!)

Your Organizers,

Congrats, Whazz!!!!!!!! I can’t think of a more perfect person to be our 1,000th fic! And I can’t wait to get caught up on all the works and read it! <3 <3 <3

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sagemoderocklee: The Passing of Things by Luna_LeeFandom: NarutoShip: LeeSaku, eventual GaaLee, past


The Passing of Things by Luna_Lee
Fandom: Naruto
Ship: LeeSaku, eventual GaaLee, past NejiTen
Status: WIP
Chapters: 1/5
Word Count: 9,819
Warnings: Past Character Death, Abortion, TBA

The cycle of grief comes, unavoidable and agonizing, just like the cycle of life and death.

But with grief comes healing, slow and gradual, and someday the memory of the dead will hurt less.

Another one for the Naruto-Run to One-K hosted by @puregaaleeand@gaalee-events! Only a few days left and seven more fics to go!!! Originally inspired by this artby@meruz which I saw a few years ago, started the fic, and then got stuck. Hope it’s okay that I loosely used your gorgeous art as inspo!

Seven fics and four days remaining!

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