

Artist: NRitsuka

Author: TaymeeLove

Title: A Debt Owed

Wordcount: 6066

Rating: Explicit

Trigger warnings:  Yuri pimping himself out. Minor Character Death at beginning. Yuri in Lingirie. Aged-Up Yuri Plisetsky. Aged-Up Otabek Altin. Rich Otabek. Russian Mafia. Bottom Yuri Plisetsky. Top Otabek Altin.

Summary: Yuri had always been told that they moved to Canada when he was young for a better life, and whenever he’d ask why his mother wasn’t there he’d always been told that she was still back in Russia. It isn’t how things went though, and that’s what he was finding out now. As it turns out, Yuri’s parents, Anna and Boris, had got into a wreck when Yuri was young. They were all in the car together, but Yuri had only got some scratches from the accident. Both his parents and the two bravada soldiers in the other car, had passed. Nikolai, Yuri’s grandfather, knew that the leaders of the syndicate wouldn’t take too kindly to their soldiers passing at the hands of civilians, so he took Yuri and ran away to Vancouver, Canada. That’s how they all ended up in this mess today. Ten years later they had found Nikolai and Yuri.

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