#ns15 spoilers


I don’t want this season anymore


ninjago / ns16 / ns15 / crystallized leak spoilers under the cut

it’s not anything actually important to anyone except for me and maybe 2 other people so don’t worry about being spoiled for any major plot events

Keep reading

also for anyone who wants translations for the episode 11 clip because that’s the one i’m discussing up here ^ here you go

TWITCHY: Can I help you?

POLICE: We’re looking for some escaped prisoners. The… ninjas.

(T/N: the way he words it specifically here is more like ‘prisoners who have escaped’ but i’m trying to localize it so it reads a little less awkward)

TWITCHY: Ninjas?

POLICE: I’m sure you’ve heard about it. [They] escaped from Kryptarium. I’m sure they headed in this direction.

TWITCHY: Well, you’ve hit the nail on the head! They’re just over–

LLOYD: (?)

(T/N: The French auto captions for this one don’t seeem to be correct but I think he’s just exclaiming / maybe it’s something hard to translate like a turn of phrase?)

COLE: You were supposed to cover for us!

TWITCHY: Oh? (?), wouldn’t it happen to be my ninja friends I see right there! (?)!

(T/N: I think these parts are supposed to be jokes about him selling gas but they’re not easy to translate at all, sorry u_u)


(T/N: Another turn of phrase, from what I can ascertain this is along the lines of like. “I can cage these dogs now that they’re cornered / there’s no where else to go”)

FUGI-DOVE: Go on, be free! And… don’t forget me.

JAY: What? (screams)

POLICE CHIEF: (?) (Just an exclaim of surprise, I think)

FUGI-DOVE: My cry fills the night!

FUGI-DOVE: Goodbye, (?)! I trust you’ll take care of my little Jay!

JAY: What’s going on?

COLE: I think we just got saved.

(T/N: The transcription gets a little shoddy here, so this is my best guess)

JAY: I’m completely lost. I don’t get it– why did he help us?!

KAI: I’m with you, but we have to get out of here!

POLICE: …And they’re off!

POLICE: The mayor won’t be happy with this at all…

Tw panicking and coughing up blood (except it’s lava)

So a story for this one

Post season 15 (spoilers obviously) Cole acts as the support for the team and jay especially while still grieving himself and wears himself so thin he just shuts down for an entire week. Everyone thinks he’s sick but in the middle of the night Cole has a Panic Attack and coughs up lava. His throat gets burned and he can’t talk for a while but now he knows better then to sacrifice his own emotions for the sake of others :)
