#nsb mint gen


Roux and Sam got engaged at the festival of youth!!! also Roux brought his siblings with him and Reed was miserable the entire time.

Roux aged up into a young adult and Rosie into a teen.. everyones all grown up now </3

for todays not so berry summary we have teen ReedandRoux finally making a move Mina was a little surprised hearing the news but she’s proud of him <3 also Rowan teased the hell out of him and Rosie ate some cake in the middle of the chaos :P

just realized i never posted child rosie when shes my rose gen sim O_O oops!

hes trying his best and its working okaaayyy…

sorry guys im going against all my #girl principles im obsessed with a male sim

a little (big) NSBupdate..?

promotions, love, marriage, a pregnancy, TWO alien pregnancies and moving houses…that’s what’s been going on with Mina until now :P
