#nsfw community


can’t stop thinking about sleeping in a room with other people for some reason and inappropriately touching my baby under the covers, whispering dirty things in their ears, covering their mouth with one of my hands, reminding them to not make any noise or all his precious friends will find out what a fucking needy slut they are, letting their mommy touch them like this

Well today its my birthday but I don’t have anyone to celebrate it with . Happy birthday me

I just need a little princess to call my own it’s that to much to ask for

Happy International Women’s Day . This is a day where women fight for their rights but I’ll just say that all of you are beautiful no matter shape size or color . Each one of you it’s a treasure ❣️❤️

When she thinks of all the dirty things you will do to her

Being I’m daddy’s space and not having a little it’s to hard
