#nuada airgetlám


how do you make your way forward
when the path ahead has grown dim?
not difficult, that: look to nuada

nuada knew the cost of war
he led his people to a place of succour
and took the field that they might live
one cut: enough to change his world forever
nuada, pained and wearied,
set down both crown and pride

but kingship would not set him down in turn
made strong again, he bowed to the call
his people had a need and he would answer
nuada, your shining brow
is crowned not with gold
but by devotion

airgetlám, when battle came again
did you know it would be your last?
what did you foresee, my king,
as you took the field a second time
blade gleaming in a hand of silver?
in your final hour
as you faced down the poison
of hatred and jealousy
i wonder, nuada, were you afraid?

perhaps so; and yet you stood
you fought, you fell
even facing hopeless odds
you shone radiant and undaunted

and though you did not live to see it
your people found their home
