

The Fembot Tester

The year is 20XX the future is upon us. People go to work in flying cars and kids zip around on hoverboards outside your window. You are a robotics tester for the company Boston Dynamics. You are a young man with an unusually high sex drive. Ms. Dodson, the head lab technician walks in and calls you over. She is a well endowed 30 something woman with platinum blonde hair and an hourglass figure. “Tester 13 come with me.” You follow her out the door and down the hallway, watching her hips sway the entire time.

The two of you arrive at a room labeled ‘fembot research’. She opens the electronic door, and you are greeted with the sight of rows of sexy robot parts. Breasts, thighs, asses, and pretty faces, all covered with soft synthetic flesh. You feel an erection growing out of confusion. “They look so real…” you whisper under your breath. Ms. Dodson rolls her eyes and leads you over to the completed prototype. “This is a special assignment no one else can know about. You will be testing the motor skills and sexual prowess of prototype 2.0.” You walk up to the robot, entranced by how perfect her false tits are. Suddenly her eyes light up pink and servos come to life as the top of her perfectly designed little foot slams into your unprepared groin. Your thighs slam shut and you sink to your knees and the robot’s foot goes back to its original position. “Sorry, I probably should’ve warned you about that little glitch.” Ms. Dodson says, letting out a giggle. You stand to face Ms. Dodson, your face red with pain from the kick and anger that she would laugh. “Are there any other ‘little glitches’ I should know about?!” The robot’s other leg shoots up just as quick as the first, striking your tender balls from behind. You let out a high pitched yelp and fall to your knees once again. Ms. Dodson laughs so hard her breasts almost flop out of her low cut top. “If you’re not neutered like tester 12, then meet me in my office when you’re done. I’ll give you a prize.” With that she is gone, leaving you alone in a room with a ballbusting fembot.

You look over the paper Ms. Dodson left and see that it is a list of sexual activities for you to try with the fembot. Next to the list in pink ink is written ‘be careful’ with a doodle of two cracked eggs. Your face reddens at the thought of her watching on the surveillance cam as your balls get crushed. You check the list and see the first activity is ‘hand job’. “That should be too bad.” You say as you put the fembot in the chair next to you. You pull down your pants and say “Fembot, handjob mode.” The fembot perks her head up at your command and her eyes narrow in on your erection. “Male genitalia located.” She says in a robotic voice. You gulp nervously as her hand makes an ‘O’ shape and lines up over your crotch. Her hand slams down completely missing your boner, but directly hitting your nuts. You gasp and push her hand away from your groin. “T-that’s a negative on hand jobs.” You groan as you put and X next to it on the list. Next on the list is ‘foot job’. “F-fembot, footjob mode.” You get down on the ground in front of her and she rises her feet. Without hesitation both her big toes press down on your balls, trapping you. You writhe around in pain until you get her feet off of you, and curl up holding your crotch. “God damn it! Ok fembot let’s do one where I have control.” You get up and cross off footjob. “Fembot, titjob mode.” She gets on her knees and pushes her breasts together. You start rubbing your rock hard member between her breasts, and it feels like heaven. On one thrust you accidentally push too far forward and your balls get between her melons. She squeezes her breasts together even more, squishing your testicles. “Ah! Fembot… my balls! My balls!” The fembot looks up at you with a vacant stare and keeps squeezing. You push her to the ground, freeing your nuts. You groan and feel your sack to make sure everything’s still there.

The fembot looks up at you and a wicked smile forms on her face. “Rough Mode activated.” “Wait, what?” She pounces at you like a lioness, landing on top of you, her knee digs into your balls. “Fembot, no!” You wail. “I’m sorry, ‘no’ is not the safe word.” She replies in a cold robotic voice. Her knee slams between your legs two more times. “Fembot stop.” “I’m sorry, ‘stop’ is not the safe word.” You groan in agony as her knee continues to assault your gonads. You notice a piece of paper next to you with the word ‘pineapple’ written on it. “Pineapple! Pineapple!” The fembot’s leg stops mid swing. Just before it obliterated your testicles. You take a few seconds to catch your breath, still looking up at the fembot’s sexy face. “That was way too close.” You say, crawling to your feet. “No way am I losing my balls for a summer job.”

You open the door and step out into the hallway, only to come face to face with a young woman in a security uniform. “What the hell were you doing in there? Why aren’t you wearing pants?” You look down to see that you are in fact no longer wearing pants and that you still have a boner. “I was uh…” Her boot slams into your groin. She gets on her radio “Hello Ms. Dodson, some creep was in your research room.” You stand up on wobbly knees and try to explain yourself. “I’m a tester, Ms. Dodson told me to test the sexual abilities of the fembot.” The security guard glares at you. “Ms. Dodson is a respectable woman. She would never let some pervert grope her fembots.” She takes out her pink taser and presses it into your scrotum, shocking both your testes. You let out a pathetic squeak as you fall at her feet. The last thing you saw before you pass out is Ms. Dodson walking over and the two women laughing at your male misfortune.

Power Girl and Super Girl Ballbusting

It’s 2:07 am, you’ve been roaming the streets all night looking for a chump to mug. If you can just get 1k, you can hopefully pay your debt to that gang of biker ladies. Otherwise the women said they would cut off your… Well, you don’t want to think about it. You grip the knife in your pocket and cross the street, heading into a dark alley. You lean up against the wall and wait for some drunken rich asshole to stumble by. Right as your about to give up, you hear it, the click clack of high heels on the pavement. It’s probably some old lady who’s purse you can snatch. She’s walking alone, an easy target. You jump from the alley to ambush her and are surprised by her appearance.

It’s not the ugly old hag you where expecting. Its a woman in her late 30s with vibrant red hair. She’s really beautiful with full lushes lips coated in lipstick as red as her hair. Your eyes wonder a little lower to her low cut silk blouse, her ample bosom very visible you can almost see the outline of her nipples. Looking down further, you notice her tight jeans covering her soft thick thighs. This isn’t just any woman, she most be a model or maybe an actress. She let’s out a gasp in surprise, and your remember that you’re supposed to be mugging this woman, you can’t get distracted by her body. You grab her wrist and yank her into the alley.

Holding her up against the wall, you put your hand over her mouth and tell her “If you don’t want to get stabbed, then hand over your valuables.” She looks at you with fear and anger in her eyes. “COME ON BITCH! HAND OVER YOUR…!” Before you can finish your sentence, her jean cover thigh slams up between your legs. You yelp in pain and jump back. You take out your knife and charge at her, but the woman swings her leg up, the toe of her shoe smashing into your testicles. You feel your knees wobble and the pain causes you to hesitate to do anything. The redhead takes the opportunity to snap her leg out again, smacking you right in your already aching balls.

You know that you can’t handle too many more kicks, so you lunge at her. You knock the woman to the ground and climb on top of her. Using one hand to hold her arms over her head, your grope her large breasts. “At first I was just gonna take your money, but after those kicks, I think you owe me a little more.” You say as you unbutton your jeans and pull out your iron bar of an erection and full balls. “How about this?” She whispers as her knee drives into your newly exposed nut sack. You squeal like a girl and fall onto your side. The woman gets up and you notice how her thong rides up from her low rise jeans.

No way! If this woman escapes, not only will she of hit you in the balls 4 times, she’ll also be the reason why those biker ladies neuter you. You summon all the willpower you can and stand up to try to rob her one more time. “Give… me… your… PURSE!” You yell as run at her. This is it. You can do it. You just have to grab her purse and keep running. Right as your fingers touch the hand bag, you hear a thwip thwip. There’s a blur of red and blue then all the sudden Spider-Girl is sliding between your legs. Her little fist upper cuts you straight in your still exposed balls. The shapely super heroine quickly stands up behind you and kicks really hard into your rapidly swelling testicles. The kick is so hard that your feet are lifted of the ground. You fall over holding your nuts and look up at the two stunning women. “Aww… you didn’t have to swing in and save me, Mayday.” The red headed woman affectionately says to Spider-Girl. “Mom! You’re not supposed to call me that in front of people!” Spider-Girl wines. “Oh don’t worry,” the woman says turning to you with a smug gaze “I don’t think he has the balls to tell anyone.” They both laugh as they walk off into the night, leaving you to lay there in the alley. In the distance you hear motorcycles getting closer.
