#nymph myrina

 Ἑνδεκάτη/ Πρώτη Μεσοῦντος, XI day From today’s sunset: eleventh day of Boedromion. “Als

Ἑνδεκάτη/ Πρώτη Μεσοῦντος, XI day
From today’s sunset: eleventh day of Boedromion.
“Also the eleventh and twelfth are both excellent, alike for shearing sheep and for reaping the kindly fruits..”
“Of the numbers after the decade, the eleventh refers to the first element of the monad. Thus, (Hesiod) has praised this one too, as it has analogies with that (the monad), inviting to the shearing of the sheeps and to the reaping of the fruits of the earth…Both aim to take care of the body, the one to the food, the other to protection. They are typical of the eleventh day since this is the beginning of the third pentad, the one that most enhances the light of the moon…”
Schol. Erga, 774-776

(Nymph (or a woman) seated on a rock. From Myrina, early 2nd century BCE. Now in the Cincinnati Art Museum…)

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