#nyxs angst


Please Let Me Take You Ch 7

This is a long one! Lots of talking, a bit of rugsweeping and gaslighting, please mind the tags!

Bakugou x F!Reader, Kirishima x F!ReaderTWs: Cheating, angst, unhealthy/abusive relationship, manipulation, smut


With a few sniffles, you had composed yourself. You had never wanted Kirishima to see you like this, even after the rough night before. With a soft promise to fill him in over brunch, he sent you off to get dressed. Knowing he was waiting- looking over the eerie white of your living room- made it easier to go through your clothes and ignore what was missing. It was nothing fancy, a pair of jeans and a shirt you’re pretty sure got bleach on it at some point, throwing your hair up and trying to ignore the messy baby hairs.

When you came back out, the glass and the frame were mysteriously missing, but you didn’t feel like bringing it up. The wall may have looked even more empty, but Kirishima took up so much space that it was easy to ignore.

“I’m ready, I think…” Your voice was still soft, too soft, and you tried to give him a grin.

“You look great.” Sincerity rung out in his voice, and you felt your smile soften into something a little less forced. “I’ll drive.”

He offered you his arm again, and you felt no qualms taking it. It was the kind of stability you needed right now, something to anchor you to the waking world. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, Kirishima opening the door for you to slip in, nestling into the seat, half hoping you’d just sink into it.

He turned on some music when he got in, keeping it low enough for you to speak if you wanted, but you were content to watch the traffic pass and steal the occasional glance. As he drove, you noticed that the traffic was getting less congested, the cramped city fading into the rearview mirror.

“Kiri, where are we going?” You were surprised he even heard you over the music.

“You looked like you could use some time out of the city. There’s a little roadside diner just a bit out that serves the best skillets.” His grin filled the car and you found yourself smiling back before you knew it.

“Thanks, that sounds amazing right now…” True to his word, a few miles past the city limits sat a well-loved diner, seemingly empty after the morning rush. He pulled in and parked so seamlessly, you knew he had to have been here before, many times.

You waited in your seat, smiling at Kirishima as he opened the door for you, offering a hand to help you out of the seat. You both knew you weren’t so feeble you couldn’t do it on your own, but the fact that he offered anyways spoke so much to you. The way he knew you could, but didn’t have to. Such a small thing that had been missing from your life for so long now.

He led you to a booth tucked away in the back, the waitress greeting him with a big grin when she dropped off the menus.

“Finally decided to stop eating by yourself, Eijirou?” She teased, Kirishima’s cheeks reddening a bit as you snickered.

“Yeah, guess I found someone who needed this place as much as I did.” The waitress fwaps his arm with an extra menu before walking away with a chuckle, leaving the two of you to settle back into your calming silence, looking over the menus.

“If you’re having trouble, I can order for both of us?” He spoke up after your eyes reread the same line three times.

“Thanks, I guess my mind’s somewhere else right now.” He nods, gathering the menus.

“I figured… you good with chocolate milk?” He waggles his eyebrows, pulling another giggle from you. “What? Chocolate milk is like a comfort food, drink, whatever.” He grinned.

When the waitress passes by next, he places an order for the both of you, letting her bring two big glasses of chocolate milk to the table before he brings the silence to an end.

“Time to pay up, tell me what’s going on?” You busied yourself rearranging all the sugar packets and little packages of jam and jelly.

“My fiance is Katsuki Bakugou…” You paused expecting a reaction, but it seemed that he had already put that together. “I’m guessing you know him? Knew him..?”

“Yeah, I did. We hung out a lot in high school, fell out of touch when I got injured.” He left it there, staring at the scratched-up table, his statement holding more weight like there was understanding just out of your reach. Instead, you nodded, continuing on.

“We’ve been together five and a half years now. You picked me up from his house- our house.” You corrected yourself, words stilted.  "He’s always been dedicated to his job, if you knew him in high school, that shouldn’t be much of a surprise. Things were good, really good, for a long time. But when I moved in, something changed. You know how Katsuki is, the second feelings get tossed into the mix, he gets all…" You pouted, trying to come up with the right words.

“Blasty? Emotionally constipated? Straight up abrasive?” He deadpans, focusing on his drink as he talks.

“Yeah. That. He proposed to me in the living room. Can’t let the press know more than I exist. We got into a fight a few weeks ago when the tabloids got a picture of me and Mina at the mall, not that they know who I am… I was trying to be someone before all this, but now… I don’t even know who I am. All I do is sit and wait for Katsuki, and when he comes home, I can barely stand being in the same room as him.” Panic sets in as you vent, “N-not that it’s been all bad! He makes sure the house is well stocked and as long as the house is well-kept, I can get pretty much anything I want…” you stopped as you felt a warm, calloused hand over yours.

“You don’t have to make excuses… I’m not going to go tattle to him, I haven’t seen or spoken to him in years…” You took a moment to breathe, easing the tension built in your shoulders.

“Yeah… thanks. Anyways, lately, I’ve gotten tired of waiting around in an empty house. I’ve been going to see Ochako or going out with Mina, and he doesn’t like that. He wants me to be his happy little housewife, but that’s never been me… and last night, he saw you drop me off.” You caught the flash of guilt in Kirishima’s eyes and were quick to intercept it. “Please, don’t blame yourself. You did nothing wrong…” Your hand flipped under his, giving him a soft squeeze. He swallowed his apologies and nodded.

“So, mind explaining what happened?” His voice was lowered, trying to keep the conversation between the two of you instead of the whole diner. You took a sip of your chocolate milk, the nostalgic sweetness oddly helping you keep your composure.

“We got into a fight. I was tired of Katsuki treating me like some caged animal and scolding me every time I went out. He… accused me of cheating. And I haven’t, you helped me make sure of that… I just lost it. I yelled back, and he told me if I wanted him to be the bad guy, he’d be the bad guy. Burned some of my clothes in the sink, and then…” You took a breath, still emotional. “He broke the frame my degree was in, burning the certificate. Then he just left.” You felt oddly unemotional at the end. “That’s not to mention the weird rivalry he has with Izuku. He wants me to have a baby just so he can ‘catch up’ to him…” Kirishima shook his head.

“I thought he grew out of that in high school.” You shrugged, just tired of whatever it was. “I’m sorry… I had no idea it was that bad.”

“Last night was as bad as he’s ever been… part of me is just waiting for whatever this is to pass.” Kirishima’s brow furrowed.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. When people do stuff like this, they’re testing the limits of how much they can get away with. Hero or not, it’s dangerous.”

“He wouldn’t hurt me… He’s serious about being a hero, he would never put his job in danger.”

“See? Even the way you’re justifying it has nothing to do with you, but with him! You want him to be this person he’s not, you’re waiting for someone who doesn’t exist…” His words made sense, so much sense, but you couldn’t… Agreeing with him just means that you let this happen. Relief filled you as your conversation came to a sudden stop, smiling at the waitress as she put your food in front of you.

After a few bites, you found your voice again.

“It’s not that bad, I just have too much time on my hands. Besides, even if I did leave Katsuki, I don’t know where I would go…”

“You have friends, and they care about you a lot. They’ve told me so…” You shook your head.

“I can’t do that to them. I’d be a burden, and I don’t want to ruin their view of Katsuki even more than I already have.” You heard Kirishima place his silverware down.

“Hey, look at me.” You kept your eyes on your food, scared to see his face. Would it hurt more if he didn’t understand, or if he agreed? “C’mon, I can be pretty stubborn. Just look up for a minute.” With a sigh you looked up, reluctantly seeing the sympathy in his eyes. “The only person ruining Katsuki’s friendships is Katsuki. They may be his friends, but they’re your friends too. Plus, most of them are heroes too, and they can tell when something’s wrong. They’re worried about you. I’m worried about you. Any one of them would be happy to give you a place to crash.” You were speechless, looking away from the burning sincerity in his eyes. Mercifully, he let you drop the subject, focusing back on your food.

He finished much faster than you, absentmindedly munching on some bacon as he let you finish. “Thanks, I noticed you didn’t like talking about him much. I can see why, but I’m glad you decided to trust me with this.” You nodded a bit.

“Of course, Kirishima…”

“You should call me Eijirou… or Eiji, if you want.” He smiles when you look up, “I know we haven’t known each other that long, but you’re a good friend. I’d like to be the same for you.”

“Okay, Eiji… you should call me by my first name too, then.” The two of you share a smile, finishing off your food and Kirishima paying the bill despite your protests. Even as the two of you were on your way back to the city, he noticed your reluctance, the fading of conversation as you neared Katsuki’s house.

“You want to ride around for a while?” It was a flimsy excuse, but one you jumped on eagerly.

“Yes, please, we can go where ever you want!” He laughed, rolling down his windows, the wind pushing his dark hair away from his face. He didn’t shy away from it, and you couldn’t help but think

He looks beautiful like this.

It had been a few days, anxiety-fueled cleaning binges only broken by Kirishima picking you up for adventures on his time off. Sometimes you’d visit a restaurant or out to the mall, other times, the two of you would just drive until the sky turned a brilliant orange. The two of you strayed away from bars now that you were comfortable enough to speak with him without liquid courage. Each time he picked you up, the two of you would talk a little more about the situation with Katsuki…

Which right now was a confusing subject. After your fight, he hadn’t been back. While it was a relief, you had to prepare yourself each time you walked through the doors, expecting him to be seated, seething on the couch. The lack of his presence only made that panic grow, and Kirishima was less and less willing to drop you off as each day passed.

An entire week passed since your fight with no sight or even a peep of Katsuki, your message history filled with texts from Kirishima, Mina, and Ochako, even a few from Sero and Izuku, and one little apology from Kaminari for getting so out of hand at the bar. It was unsettling, a deep chill seeping into your bones whenever you sat at home for too long. Then, the morning after the week mark, you awoke to sounds out in the living room.

There he sat, lounging on the couch, watching some old All Might special, looking like he just got out of the shower. Relaxed, no hint of the anger he displayed before. He tilted his head when he heard you come in, acknowledging your presence.

“Hey, babe. I’ve got the day off, let’s spend it together.” You were confused, how was he acting as nothing had happened? You approached warily, ready to bolt at the first sign of anger, but he just made room on the couch for you. Cautiously, you moved to sit next to him, and he pulled you against his side, his arm hanging over your shoulders.

That’s where you remained as he watched the special, only stretching out when it finished. “I’ll make breakfast, so you just sit your ass right there. It looks like you’ve been busy keeping this place clean, so relax for once.” You just stared as he got up, heading to the kitchen without complaint.

What was this? Where you just being overdramatic? Maybe it wasn’t as bad as you were remembering… Sure he burned a few things, but those things could be replaced, right?


The day passed with you feeling like you were acting out a relationship, going through the motions, and questioning every move you made. Katsuki didn’t seem to notice, or if he did, he was happy to ignore it. Even the little pauses before you kissed him back didn’t seem to phase him. He even let you order take out for dinner, not giving you any shit for your mild food. As night fell, trepidation made you move slower, rinsing each dish two, three times, making sure each piece was spotless, anything to delay going to sleep next to your fiance.

When you finally did go back into your room to change for bed, you found Katsuki on the bed, reading as he waited for you. You slunk into the bathroom to change and do your nightly routine, walking back out. He looked up from his book, setting it aside.

“Finally, shitty woman. Didn’t I tell you to relax today?” You gave a nervous chuckle and walked to your side of the bed, once again confused as Katsuki lifted the covers for you. Slipping in next to him, you immediately turned off your bedside lamp, rolling away from Katsuki and hoping he took the hint. You heard him set his book down, turning off his light. Your stomach sank as you felt his hand on your side, but to your surprise, he just slipped his arm around you, settling behind you. “G’night, babe. Love you or whatever.” Your throat was dry as you opened your mouth to respond, swallowing your nerves.

“Love you too, Katsuki.”

He was gone in the morning, a note scribbled and left on your bedside table saying he headed off to work and there was breakfast in the fridge. All of these actions left a heavy weight in your stomach, an unease you couldn’t shake. After eating the pancakes he left cold, you decided you just needed to get out, but the thought of seeing Kirishima right now made you feel oddly guilty. With a quick text, you settled on bringing some breakfast over to the Midoriya household, not having some one-on-one time with Ochako since her baby boy was born.

You rolled up an hour later, a bag full of warm bakery sandwiches and some bagels for easy snacking, barely knocking on the door before it’s thrown open.

“Oh my goodness, adult human contact!” Ochako threw her arms over you in a desperate hug as you giggled.

“Hello to you too.” She shushed you, pulling you into the house and all but attacking the bag of goodies you brought. “So where is Yuudai?” You looked around the empty living room.

“Oh! Izuku is home on paternity leave, they’re upstairs right now!” She grinned happily, taking her stash of food out to the couch while you walked over to the stairs, whisper yelling up to said Izuku.

“Hey, broccoli boy, I brought food!” You heard Ochako chuckle from her comfy position on the couch as Izuku bundled up the baby, carefully taking the steps one at a time. “Let me take that little bundle of joy for you…” You slipped your arms under Izuku’s as he smiled gratefully.

“Thanks, It’s harder than I thought to get breaks for things like food…” You nudged him off toward the remnants of the bag as you went to join Ochako on the couch, staring down at the chubby face looking back at you. “Is it just me, or are his cheeks even bigger??” Ochako whines at your innocent statement.

“Don’t remind me, he already looks too much like me!” She pouts, still munching on her sandwich.

“I think it’s cute~” You coo, mostly at Yuudai, watching as he tries to grab your hair. Ochako rolls her eyes as Izuku slips into a comfy chair nearby.

“So do I, but Ochako doesn’t listen to me.”

“Enough about cheeks, what have you been up to? You look happier than the last time we hung out! I need to hear all about it, please, I’m dying to talk about something else for a few minutes!” You knew she was head over heels for Yuudai, especially with how her eyes flew to him every time you moved even a little, but after so long of people constantly checking in for updates and pictures, you couldn’t blame her for wanting a little variety.

“Well… Katsuki has been gone more often…” Ochako pouts again, taking a big bite of her food. “But I’ve been talking with Eijirou, and we’ve been taking little day trips to get me out of the house.” You felt the tension grow in the room, Ochako all but glaring at Izuku.”

“Eijirou, huh?” Izuku questioned innocently.

“Deku, no.”

“I’m just curious! If they’re close enough to be on a first-name basis, she must already know Kaachan and Kiri were friends!”

“Of course I know…”

“Deku, stop!” Ochako’s glare only intensifies.

“Then she must also know Kaachan gave Kiri that scar!”

“Izuku!” The silence that settled over the room was stifling as you processed his words.

“What…? No, he definitely would have told me…” You stared down at Yuudai, pieces slowly falling into place in your memory. The story he told that first night in the bar, his reluctance to tell you he knew who your fiance was, the damn near intimate knowledge of Katsuki’s behavior… you could tell Ochako was scolding Izuku, but your mind couldn’t make out the words.

“I’m just worried! Kirishima disappears for years, and suddenly he shows up only to get close to Kaachan’s fiancee! I don’t want to think badly of him, but it doesn’t sit right with me.” Deku defends himself. “She should have a chance to protect herself.”

You clear your throat, giving them a tight smile. “Thank you, really. It’s fine. I’ll talk to him later, right now, I just want to spend time with you three.”

You fall into another tense silence before Ochako speaks up, crumbs dusting her face. “I started watching reality shows…”

Once they were done eating, Ochako took Yuudai upstairs to feed him, Izuku following after to keep her company, leaving you to your thoughts. Before you could second guess, you pulled out your phone, clicking on Eiji’s contact.

You: We need to talk.

Taglist for PLMTY:

@thecatisblackl@ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife@7teenlyfe@tspice283@domtamaki@silentw-lkr@zbops@cornchipsanddip@gokm1023@animefandomally@rocorambles@say-my-name-assbut@samanthaa-leanne@hot-pocket01@minihemo@kagomefan27@mrsreina@sugarandsoft@bubblegum-bunn@tiredandkindaoverworked@richkookie@waytomanyhusbands@tsukineho@crazysaladchopshop@freiyalight@lexy586@anxietys-a-bitch@bnhaficswriter@bonbonthedragon@xxghostnappaxx@arcane-kaijuu@bigkoalafications@sabertooth-potato@tumbler-said-fck-u-ig @danielsleftwhitevan@miriobaby@cinnamonruts  @unbotheredsnail  @eleventhdoctorsangel  @katsuki-cait  @accraanchela@simpforeveryone @saturnmads
