#o world o life o time


[Image ID: A digital illustration depicting Dhawan!Master and the 13th doctor from the waist up. The Thirteenth Doctor is grabbing the Master by the shirt collar, dragging him forward, frustrated and enraged at an atrocity he has done. Thirteen is in her blue t-shirt, suspenders and high-waisted trousers, the Master in a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a waistcoat and tie. Thirteen shows some damage to her face, along the temple and forehead. The Master seems amused by Thirteen’s rage, and grins rakishly at her. /End ID]

O World, O Life, O Timeby@petercapaldish

The Doctor and the Master wake up on a strange spaceship with four strangers, and are told they have to complete a series of trials to save planet Earth.

In one corner of her mind, the Doctor catalogued the sound of soft footsteps pacing nearby. They weren’t coming near her though, so she decided to leave them be for now. For the moment, she wanted to mope. And think. Really, what had she been doing? How did she get here?

The footsteps plodded closer to her, and something nudged her in the ribs. She groaned again and rolled over, opening her eyes at last.

“Oh, get lost,” she spat, closing them immediately again.

“Don’t be a bitch,” said the Master.

Written by @petercapaldish

“Hi, I’m Lizzi, and I adore the dark, complicated, crunchy relationship between the Doctor and the Master. I wanted to explore their relationship post The Timeless Children, particularly delving into the grief and the trauma the both of them have experienced, and caused, over the course of their long long lives.”

Art by @faerthingpen

“I’m Ro and I write and draw things that make me happy! My technique is traditional sketching and inking, followed by digital clean-up and colours. It was a treat to work on two very different pieces for the Masterversary, and a double treat that one of them involved Missy!”


The Master felt his grin stretch taut across his face, bared his teeth, set them tight. “You see,” he said, “it all started when you left me on Gallifrey with seconds to go before a bomb went off – actually, no,” he corrected himself, “It all started when you locked me up in a prison for a thousand years – actually, no!” A twisted grin began to spread across his face. “It started when you threw me into the Eye of Harmony, or perhaps when you left me to burn on Sarn, or perhaps,” he spat, “when you let your filthy genome infect me in the first place.” 

The Doctor let a huff of breath escape her nose, and a muscle jumped in her cheek. “Do you think,” she said, “I had a choice in that?” 

“It doesn’t matter,” he hissed. “You had a choice in the rest of it.” 

She met his gaze. “So we’re here to settle scores?” 

He flicked his tongue out to wet his lips. “No.” He turned, ran a hand down the side of her TARDIS possessively, watching her clench up out of the corner of his eye. “We’ve never understood each other, really,” he said. “You tried to show me, I think, when you were old and Scottish, what it’s like to be you – to be ‘good’.” He mimed the apostrophes sarcastically with his fingers, affecting the accent. “But wasn’t it always just a performance? You were on your best behaviour. I got to act like your companion, or – whatever it is you like to call the little mortals you get to follow you around until they die off.” 

“They’re my friends.” 

“Ha!” he said. “Time Lords are friends. Humans are – an amusement at best. Mayflies.” 

“We’re not friends,” she said, softly. 

The Master shook his head, smiling. “I’m your only friend. At the end of it all, when everyone else is dust, it will always be the two of us.” 
