#oath of the ancients


Armored Lady Monday

the other 2 seaons from what i posted last week you can read more about her in that post

and to add to what i said last week is her paticular choice of clothes, she hides her right arm and its movement as much as possible, she makes great efforts to use only her left arm for any mundane tasks, aswell as how she wears extravagant clothing and shinying stones in her armor and colorful accessories, all of these combined to try to lure potential hostiles towards her kind of like a poisonus animal bright color patterns to hopefully get an exhilirating fight

hope you like it!

Brandywine Cottonbottom, the satyr farmer turned Oath of the Ancients Paladin

In her free time, she knits using her own wool and gifts her creations constantly. She’s worships the goddess of spring, but something calls to her from the feywilds….

Flowing Breath by yao wang You are always by my side…

Flowing Breath by yao wang

You are always by my side…

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